
The costs associated with any possible reunification project are tremendous and would largely fall upon the South Korean taxpayers. The South Koreans, for their part, are less and less interested in the whole notion of uniting the two Koreas, especially the younger people who haven’t had any experience dealing with

Wow, they mentioned “reunification”. I’m unfamiliar with the concept, do people really think that one day there will be a single Korea? Or is it like “Yeah, in 100 years I’m sure things will be different”?

I am not sure if he tumbled down the cliff or if he was launched up the cliff by the car that hit him at first.
You can see what looks like a photographer kneeling down just where the car eventually collided the cliff-side at around 0:53-0:55 in the video, so it could be him.

The kid’s dad might have cash but Stroll won 3 different championships in 3 different single-seater series since 2014. He is no slouch.

As a historian I feel like it needs to be mentioned that the majority of reviewers only focus on the pointlessness of the war, which is a perspective that is very prevalent in Western Europe where the war indeed did not result in meaningful gains and the the reasons behind it were rather obscure and hard to relate to

That’s because, as with pretty much all national championships, the differences in speed between drivers within the same class tend to be rather large. The cars that are driven there are so very different that whatever handicap one gets from roadsweeping is more or less overruled by the differences in machinery and

In my mind, Ogier’s chances for winning a gravel event this year were handicapped way too much. I am OK with him running first on the road for the first day - someone has to, and I do see the point in it being the championship leader in ostensibly the fastest car, but two out of three days full of loose gravel and

But what makes Breen more deserving of a shot at a win than Ogier? We are not putting drivers like Verstappen on the front row in F1 simply because he is an amazing talent. Ogier wasn’t given such leniency when he was an up-and-coming talent, and neither was Loeb or Hirvonen, or Latvala.

The BOP changes in endurance racing are meant, at least ostensibly, to keep the playing field the same for everyone and are required because of the huge differences between the cars in question.

Loeb was never forced to be the road sweeper for two whole days. As a matter of fact, he agrees that the new rules are unfair on Ogier.

I see what you’re saying but it is still a handicap for the fastest driver. I don’t want to see the championship force rule changes upon drivers to spice up the show. I didn’t have a problem with Loeb winning 9 straight titles because he was the fastest driver. I do have a problem with Ogier not being given the

I disagree with the point regarding the rookies and the privateers.

He has a point though.

I would love to see Deadspin and Jalopnik unshackled from the Gawker/Jezebel shitshow.

I’m fully up for having female main-protagonists, but I see no reason for an existing and established character to have his gender changed just because #equality.

Katie, no. That’s not what it means. It means your company is using the Chapter laws to protect itself legally. It’s legal hiding.

I don’t know about karma, but it’s not like Gawker was exactly blameless here. They pretty egregiously violated someone’s privacy, and it’s hardly the first time they’ve done so. I mean, fuck Peter Thiel, but Gawker brought this fate down upon their own heads.

“If you had any doubt: Gizmodo and io9 are still here, we’re still thriving, and we’re still going to be delivering the best technology, science, and entertainment coverage you know and love us for.”

Nah, fuck gawker

Ward was killed because he acted like an idiot and stepped out of his car onto a hot track to shout at Stewart.