
He has a point though.

Lots of scooter respect at the end there.

To be frank, they also should not have used Aeroflot to get there in the first place.
Nobody likes taking their flights, mostly due to the fact that you have to catch a connecting flight in Moscow.
There are direct flights from British Airways and Air Astana at least, which I have taken numerous times in the past,

Why would they want to film THERE of all places is simply beyond me.
There is nothing to see. At least Argentine had nice mountains and stuff, as did Bolivia, and the UAE has glittering skyscrapers.
Hell, even Romania and Albania had some nice scenery.
But Kazakhstan? Having spent 17 years of my life there, apart from

Countries that have land borders or are otherwise in close vicinity are the safest bet.

Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, Egypt have all been accepting refugees by the thousand.

I just love how the commentator goes “Green flag an—- OH, REALLY!?”

What was he expecting Aleshin to do here, exactly?
Aleshin was moving out of his way, as he should have done under blue flag conditions. You could fit a medium sized country in all that empty space to the right of Aleshin’s car, and yet somehow it is still his fault?

Not sure how to feel about this. On one hand almost no game deserves so much negativity before anyone even had a chance to play, but at the same time I am not digging Mr Tanabe’s take on what the franchise ought to be.

I understand what you’re saying, but by then can we say the same about single player only games? After all, I mostly play my games online with friends, I rarely ever touch the single player campaign modes if they are present.

I always enjoyed Hideo Kojima’s games, but I also always found their anti-nuke sentiment depressingly naive.
Far from being an unequivocal force for good, nuclear weapons still do not really deserve to be vilified in such a way. From a strictly historic standpoint, less nuclear weapons in a given place never really

Oh, do come on!

Apparently it wasn’t obvious at all, because the stewards decided that Bradley was on the brakes much earlier than usual and therefore he is to blame, not the 28 car.

Bradley seemed to have braked earlier than usual.

At this point they might as well rename it, honestly.
I don’t think that it will be a bad show, certainly not, but it is not going to be Top Gear anymore.

Am I the only one amazed by the amount of water in that tiny pan?

The headline is misleading a bit.

Only 3 non-Scandinavian, non-French champions in the last 25 years, 2 Britons and a Spaniard.

The fact that he is actually Italian makes it funnier.

I am not sure why they bother saying that it is a “Wireless” controller these days. One will be hard pressed to find a wired controller for any of the current gen consoles these days.