
I'm trying to engage you cordially, and insulting my education and my private beliefs does you no favor.

Sorry, my point of reference is rooted in academia and study - not online sources. (Art historian, focus on ancient iconography in modern art, for better or ill)

I can't help it. I really find this subject fascinating, and I'm really not trying to offend him.

In that point, mea culpa - Jesus is definitely a historical figure, and an important one. I'd even argue the closest thing we've ever seen to him is Martin Luther King. The deification of Jesus, however, is rooted in fiction. For example, the iconography of Mary and Baby Jesus is a direct copy of Isis and Horus, and

Hey, I'm all about being true to your faith, and good on you for yours being so strong. That being said, I do find being able to objectively recognize literary conventions in the Bible, and the thematic significance of Christian myth cycles, doesn't negate the value or strength of aforementioned faith.

Didn't say that. Just that repetition, for example, the forty days and nights in the ark, the forty years and the desert, and the forty days and nights Jesus spent in the wilderness - that ultimately, Jesus is a reworked version of the Noah and Moses stories and the significance of that motif in the Bible.

Actually, when observing the Bible from an objective point of view, you can analyze the repeated motifs in the Old and New testament both that not only echo other mythologies with their similar narratives, but by virtue of the repetition therein, its function as a mythological narrative.

This comment alone has compelled me to investigate the show. Well done!

Bless this man.

Me too!

After the past few weeks, it broke me.

I'm sorry, guys. The first note of the theme, amd I burst into tears.

Yeah. I was expecting them all at some.poimt, given AHS's ghost rules.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but it was always my head canon that "Croatoan" didn't work in Murder House because they didn't actually have his watch - just the "ghost watch" that the ghost had been wearing.

I was thinking we would see some followup on this too. At first, I thought the Ghost Hunters scene meant she returned during the Blood Moon to sacrifice people, but it was the Flora search instead.

The previews show her corpse on a table, with Charlotte and someone else in addition to Ford. Maybe not?

Well, you guys called it.

It's just so surprising how they resisted glamorizing the real ghosts. Compared to Murder House and Hotel.

Not a problem - English is such a weird language, I just wanted to make sure I got your meaning correctly - because there's a 50% chance inexistent might actually mean a specific thing. :)

Oh wow.