
Yeah. We can argue the plot was light, but I'm not sure if a season of AHS has been this viscerally horrific.

Defense of being critical of how a show uses the naked human form is an inexistent angle? Or nonexistent, you mean?

At least we can agree on that!

Yeah. I think it was the back - the heart shaped window was reversed - and we've seen that whenever they're on the top floor. I wondered if it was some kind of distortion, but that shot confirms the back of the house.

As accurate as yours, apparently.

Was it the back of the house?

So, was I the only one that noticed Lee's dark look after they shot Audrey? It was just a second afterwards, but her expression was stone cold killer after being hysterical

For someone who insists people who question nudity in TV are puritanical, repressed prudes so uncomfortable with sex that they must make mountains of molehills - and "enjoys looking at naked women!"…

Hey, if you feel the need to call it anything else than a blind assumption based your own insecurities, by all means. Whatever you need to get through the night.

I feel like I need to say: Mea Culpa - half of the season was guessing which batch of characters the familiar faces represent, and that rug, upended completely.

But keep in mind, this is a show that does not exist in a vacuum - we have it on a network that has seen a lot of attention for the way they use nudity in their "prestige" shows - and violence.

I'm so wounded.

Your comment in response to another poster asking if it was significant/there was a reason they disrobed Maeve after putting clothes on her being an important aspect of that scene was to "get over it."

Issues you assume that a person has because they disagree or their opinions did not align with yours.

I find civil discourse to always be preferable to dismissiveness.

Then you certainly have never been in a Walking Dead or Game of Thrones comment section.

You are assuming nudity, "all nudity" makes me uncomfortable. That there is "fault in myself."

You're claiming that nudity is no big deal to the point of making assumptions about the sexual mores of the commenters.

Wow, are you okay? Because I'm talking about how a show in the Western world, literally called WestWorld, uses nudity.

Someone did down here, and you told them to go call a "omg non sexual nudity offends me hotline".