
Well, the long black haired female ghost is pretty ubiquitous in Asian Horror cinema, not just Japanese film - that's just the biggest example western audiences might be familiar with.

I think the J-Horror "Grudge" Girl was supposed to be one of the Chen daughters acting against the Millers - like the other murdered ghosts were trying to corral them for the Butcher.

There was a Mott - as in an ancestor of Dandy's, that built the house.

THey had these, "Collegejobs.com" in chalk written everywhere - I thought it was a legit database for, well, jobs aimed at college students - part time gigs, etc.

…Is this sarcasm?

Eva Green. No matter what she's in, she's just so damned riveting to watch.

There was a remake of ten comman- oh right. Proves your point.

It's ridiculous the level of vitriol expressed for a well worded opinion.

I do think a great deal of the issues lays in the attempt to make it the "perfect crime." As said, Poussey has been made nigh angelic this season, with being one of the most likable characters since the show started. Bayley is one of the nicer/more 'innocent' guards, so you cant ascribe him the malice or villain role

I can't help but feel there's an unspoken, "So you're making the guy whose actor was going, a gay character" tokenism that might be throwing Takei off as well, but it's not my place to put words into someone else's mouth.

I second this. I am livid, *livid* that I finally found I, Claudius on Hulu, only for them to remove it less than a week later.

Eh, I would argue it's less the she feels like a man trapped in a woman's body, and more that she sees no redeeming value in her gender, so obviously the gods fucked up when she was born a woman.

Varys also cuts out their tongues and despises of then once they reach a certain age.

Nope, no Martells. Ellaria killed them all.

Yeah - the internalized misogyny is, as terrible as it sounds, really well done. She views women as weak and stupid. And as she considers herself most certainly not like hose weak, stupid creatures, she constantly goes in about how she should have been born a man, how she's trapped in a woman's body and hates the

Cersei did ultimately agree to send Myrcella as Tyrion argued it was safest.

You could argue she exacerbated the situation by sending Jaime, or by even sending Myrcella to Dorne.

Yeah, but the point is that in being so paranoid about Margaery, she led herself to ruination and the deaths of her children. The project has been fulfilled, folks. She cast herself down trying to get at Margaery - and caused the deaths of her children.

Granted, the show wouldn't be above cheap shocks for ratings…

Thank you! It completely defeats the point that despite Tywin's hatred of Tyrion - Tyrion was the most like Tywin, the most capable, etc.