
It's also the whole implied slut shaming thing.

Which was conveyed to Jon or the Northern Lords at what point? And at this point, the only one unaccounted for is Bran, as Brienne told her about Arya - Bran who wemt North of the Wall. Who happens to be paralyzed from waist down and can't father kids.

Yknow, I thought about it, and the best (worst) part is that crowning Jon King of the North despite a legitimate Stark heir renders the whole idea of sending her to Winterfell null and void.

I get adaptation - but that wasn't even adaptation. It was cherry picking one particular event and tripping everything that surrounded it that made that event significant.

In the words of Tyrion, "I am the gift!"

Did you see any Northern Lords at the wedding? Any Spearwives? Frey pies with Manderly? Ghosts of Winterfell - tensions between Frey's and Boltons and the rest?

I think the books examine the horrors and subverts tropes that the show relishes on exploiting for shock value.

I could dig it!

My sweet summer child.

Pardon? I'm a hypocrite because I like my fantasy shows to make sense?

I kno, right? Like, complaining about internal consistency, narrative logic and follow through, characterization that doesn't change from scene to scene - just like homophobia and racism.

I wouldn't be able to crap so much on the parade if I wasn't given so much shit to work with. See what I did there?

I enjoyed her as well. I thought her line about the bells at Winterfell was really affecting.

Its okay. You can always remember that the only reason she joined up is because a Southerner told her about ice zombies - which makes her a huge hypocrite.

You do realize that Darkstar is an incredibly minor character who may at best get one or two lines mentioning his fate if at all in the books?

Yeah, as much as I bitch about it, I'm not opposed to some of the ways they've adapted see of the stuff for the screen.


Be careful with that talk, you elitist book snob. ;)

Which would make sense if the person doing the proclaiming as ruling her own house in the North. Or witness the character formerly known as Sansa actually literally save the day.

That's the tricky thing - but while he may have used armies to gain the throne, his ability to keep it was because of his distant Targaryen relation - otherwise, why not a Lannister on the throne? They had the city, the armies, and the gold.