
No one is saying to replace it with an embroidery accident.

Please. I'm complaining about how the only thing they chose to adapt is the rape of a tertiary character, making so another main character is raped so the show could justify a gruesome and bloody revenge scene.

On one hand, it's about the fact this is the experts review and we assume most people posting here are familiar with the books. So we're pissed that they've deviated so far from the core of Sansa's character - even the showrunners go on about how she's "Not a pure, clean Stark" or whatever - for the sake of drama,

Yeah, she fed a guy to dogs. Now she's as bad as Ramsay.

Yeah, because justice =/= revenge.

Oh man, I think it encapsulates everything that's fucked with the show.

Clearing the decks? Which is why we need to see Tyrion making jokes and drinking with Grey Worm and Missendei?

Well, you also have to take into consideration the Sansa is one of the most compassionate and empathetic people in the books, and despite what she goes through, she still has yet to have her various abusers break her.

Apparently 90% of the commentariat are up in arms because it didn't get an A++++

Wow, positive if thorough criticism of the show = jaded.

But keep in mind the stakes for Sansa of she loses. If Jon loses. We're talking. What, two thousand against six thousand plus twenty good men.

That is really odd. I noticed that too - I could see him, vis a vis the supposed style of the painting, around for the French Revolution? Maybe, but still, it was…weird.

Uh, we saw the portrait in season two.

But would Jon have rushed into a battle he admittedly was ill prepared for rather than, you know, getting back up and a proper strategem?

She'd be in good company with Sansa, Danaerys, etc, then.

Yeah, but because plot reasons? She also allowed for a force loyal to the North, with even more battles looming on the horizon, to be decimated. With roughly only the support of one bannerman, with even lower numbers and resources, geographically difficult to reach and therefore assist.

I liked your review. But my thoughts on GoT's execution is well known and not very high.

Eeeeh. YMMV.

Or maybe include Jon in the Little finger meeting as he's the defacto commander of their forces and maybe it isn't a great idea to meet someone who you aren't sure if they mean you harm with more than one bodyguard or So. Many. Other. Things. That would make this 100% less contrived.

Well, now that we have time in the nebulous space of "how long it takes for things to happen in this show" where Davos' never once persued what happened to Shireen