

But she's such a player now !11!!

In the books, maybe. Tonight? They're all blurring together.

So feminist that everyone turns into the same character.

Not to rain on parades, but remember when everyone - everyone thought SmallJon was going to turn on Ramsay?

But I mean, couldn't she have just…told Jon?

Dude, do you remember the stick fighting episodes?

That whole sequence tickled me, bot only because we learned that the older ladies are seriously hardcore - just the whole exchange and pragmatism was a nice way to lighten the intensity of the grimness of the suffocation earlier.

Notice how there is no picture to go with the "Heart"/love pusheen.

I do appreciate the inflection of his voice vis a vis his conversation with Justine. Gave the appearance of being a stone cold asshole, stripped of the lackadaisical, insouciant 'charm' he cultivates.

This week, in "Victor is the worst" - well, "Proper woman" kind of makes Victor The. Worst.

Of course Jaime is going to kill Cersei. Maybe it's less obvious in the show, but that's the whole point of Valonquar, the mention that Jaime was born minutes later" and the whole point of her driving away Jaime in her dogged, mad pursuit of Tyrion her belief that he is the Valonquar.

Except when the Starks come for aid, they're shut down in an almost comical fashion. And in Dorne, which has been treated as an after thought so far - the fact a thousand year old dynasty has ended with little to any setup or significance.

Ultimately, these are your opinions, but I nearly every instance, I disagree, and found the sexual torture in the show to be much more exploitative and cheap.

I wasn't initially opposed to the idea myself, despite others valid objects - but the execution was beyond lacking and reduced Sansa and Jeyne to interchangeable rape dolls. Ramsay is apparently more important a character than either.

Except in Dorne, or Winterfell, or I the Storm lands, or…

Second, but by no means last bottle.

I do admit part of watching the show is not just for the pleasure of hate watching, or the lavish production values. I do want to see where they take it - it just leads to more head scratching and disappointment - the situation it finds itself in is a bit unprecedented, but yeah, what you said.

Yeah. I don't mind that "the plot isn't going the way I want it to," because I do understand the need to trim and adjust, and I feel, a few issues aside, the earlier seasons succeeded.

He did it first!