
So glad we had a jaunty trip to Dorne so we could have last? Season for Jaime being another Arya in Braavos.

I love how people complain about ADWD and AFFC yet they seem to forgive any and all bloat for Seasons Five and Six.

It's setup for the most awesome amazing episodes ever! Like the last one, and the one before that. We're just table setting, still. It'll be so worth it! Just wait and see!

Wait, there are still Direwolves alive? /Sarcasm

"we will never know chains again of we follow Danaerys and her advisors!"…..except for the seven more years we agreed to last episode.

Uh, isn't that what is happening now, though? She got her parkour on, she got to kill the Waif, all while sustaining injuries too severe to make her survival anything other than the plottiest of armor.

When they aged him up so we could have hot statutory rape sex? So much more damatically satisfying.

Uh, I think it's pretty clear she's aware, but YMMV on her complicitness.

Nope, they just don't have to be stripped of defining strengths and characteristics so they can be interchangeable rape dolls with tertiary characters.

Given that George RR Martin didn't write Sansa being raped, your statement is factually incorrect.

So glad she got raped so we could have these scintillating, empowering storyline where she grovels to the guy that inexplicably arranged for her to be a part of the family that murdered her family and brutalized her to the point of driving her suicidal.

I…did not.

I dunno, being the villian and all, I'm almost #teamdracula. So smooth.

I'm sorry, but no. To both of you. To claim any sympathy on Victor's behalf because "Lily was so bad to him"…No.

Eeeeh, given the time period, I think it's a little false to make it out to be a paradise that has regressed - a lot of the unrest now can be directly traced to the exploitation and imperialism inflicted on places like Egypt. Of you're talking the postcards, they were often models dressed up amd paid to market the

This is one of the things lost in the adaptation, and especially in how they changed the circumstances of Margaret's incarceration. Not to mention things like Cersei ordering the death of all of Robert's bastards (it was Joffrey in the show), and the relationship between Cersei and Jaime at this point.

The thing about a lot of the big "theories" and "twists" is that they really aren't that out of the blue. R +L= J has been seeded since the first book, the circumstances surrounding the "death" of the Hound Jon's demise, or when they first mentioned baby Aegon's head being caved in, the Red or Purple Wedding: the

I thought he was just banging the captain"s daughter, talking baoit how he was going to be so great, and she suggested she could be his salt wife.

Nah, just shitty fantasy shows.

Well, given this is a show supposedly depicting the horrors of a feudalist society and have an entire storyline and character that go on and on about how slavery is terrible - but paint every encounter with a sex slave as fun and enjoyable, I'm gonna criticize this one.