
Eh, the last part didn't bother me, be cause yeah, no matter how tender or intimate Drogon was, it was still a fourteen year old being sold as chattel. Same act, different tone.

There's a difference between, "It's been a while since I read the books so I forgot" and "I need everything spelled out and explicitly confirmed because I cannot grasp inference and subtlety"

Kind of confused when people say he's trying to ger back to his reaving days or some such. Book and show, he's never actually done much of the family business.

It really does feel like they're treading water - the books, at least, have her assuming three different roles for various lengths of time: you get a sense of Cat, Beth, and Mercy as three characters she's playing. She's just kind of floating around as Arya in the show, which, given the screentime dedicated to it,…

Uh, no?

I enjoy hating it!

My problem is that it's set up exactly so she has to go grovel back because now she needs that free army.

There's a long monologue with Septon Meribald where he explicitly states the "The Hound is no more," there's reference to the tall, huge Gravedigger with a limp, and an exact description of his asshole horse in the stables.

I've seen very thorough transcripts, thoigh I don't know if it is officially out.

Narrative coherency?

Coldhands is probably not Benjen in the books, amd again, anyone who has any sort of capacity for critical thought know Jon wouldn't be dead in either the book or show.

The only people who would think Sandor Clegane is dead after reading FoC are those that don't know how to read, apparently.

Well, I mean, then we couldn't have her Empowered(TM) speech a few episodes ago! It would require the character to think about her curren circumstances, rather than dangle like a puppet from the writer's strings.

It's okay though, cause that sex slave looked super into it!

Uh, not so much allusion as in a full on sex scene.

I guess you ha sent heard about the new Damphair chapter…

Well,i can't hate very well if I don't know what I'm talking about. Besides, what else am I going to do before Penny Dreadful comes on?

Cause sexual manipulation and rape is awesome!

Yeah, but they were only able to age up Tommen to what, fifteen? Fourteen? Still a statutory rapist. ;)

Costumes, set design, few times it come perilously close to an adaptation, and staying informed so I am able to bitch about the show with you fine folks. That's called hate watching, right?