
You're making far too much sense about the logistics of this - why worry about that when we can magically have Tommen where ever we need him to be as plot demands!

This is kind of a nitpick, because I can see it explained as a revival of faith or the Faith with Savonarola/Inquisition parallels, but it seems to me that they act like the monarchy is a wholly secular institution that that doesn't rely in the divine right of kings and all the other ways religion and the favor of

I'm more into this hype because you're into this hype.

…I kind of like that theory, even if it's whack as hell. Evil needs hobbies!

Our Man Bashir is Doran Martell. max Von Sydow as 3ER and Ciaran Hinds as Mance beg to differ.

Victor Frankenstein is the worst because he can't handle being friendzomed by Lily.

Yeah. There's this sense they've defanged Cersei and missed the point on Cersei/Jaime given the state of their relationship. Don't forget they've also sanded off Tyrion's rough edges.

Yeah, bit they completely cut Doran's badass monologue and reveal, so….

Fair enough!

Since we can't have a, "Why Ferdinand Lyle is the best," should we have a, "Why Victor Frankenstein is the worst"?

It was. It was kind of subtle, but when the Kindly Man hit her with a stick to test her when she was blind, she more or less warged into a nearby cat. It enabled her to stop him and proceed with her training, rather than truly letting herself go.

You didn't mind him telling Brienne that it was her own fault of she got raped and don't come crying to him if it happened, because he'd be as like to execute her next time he saw her?

Like Barristan Selmy's actor?

Don't look up penishands.

I don't disagree that that's where we're heading, but the circumstances surrounding THIS ay of ambiguously brown people is off for me.

Balon, you mean? It's not a terribly huge thing for me, for those reasons, but there is a reason it was played pseudo ambiguously in the text.

He of course does the awful, wicked Black Jack, but he plays a smarmy Mr. Elliot in a BBC adaptation of Persuasion.

Don't we all?

I'm kind of always happy to see Tobias Menzies playing someone who isn't a villian.

Yeah, adultery on the king seems like it would warrant this kind of harshness.