
Well, it's also a part of the back story that the Waif gives, in the books.

This is such a weird choice that I still can't understand it wrt the Waif being the Villain of Arya's story.

Fair enough. Given that theyade such a point about all the fleet stuff, it sounded like she knew about the fleet being burned at Meereen.

"Hey! Instead of treasure and gold, I'm gonna bribe you with dick jokes! And despite winning, apparently enough people supported my opponents to make off with tons of ships! Super fast!"

YMMV, but the Dothraki plot for the last few episodes has been seriously lacking for me, and given that her "rescue" felt more like an attempt by the show prove a point /make a moment, combined that if all the Khalasars are following her no questions asked because she destroyed their leaders and the Dish Khaleen, it

Yeah. It hat would require subtlety, which isn't the show's strong point.

That being said, her warging as a way of cheating at the FM task gives you an idea that she's not drunk the koolaid entirely.

Yeah, given what he does when you break an engagement….

Thank you! They kind of ignore the dynamics of courtly chivalry that sort of define the Reach. And Margaery was an avid hawker - just things that pop out as weird.


The Faceless Men charge according to scale. So it might be something very costly to the actress, not so much a general set fee.

He learned to read in seasons past (RIP Shireen) and read the message Jon sent out about WhiteWalkers, and Stannis and Melisandre agreed to help.

Do we think Benjen is BookHands as well as ShowHands?

Well, if you want to nitpick, given that she 's destroyed the central authority, their most sacred temple/site, and most of their leaders, maybe she's press ganged them into her own special form of slavery?

She can't hurt you! I won't let her!

I dunno. I mean, the season isn't over yet, but the fact they've decided to focus so much on shenanigans rather than Old town and the Citadel disappoints.

I waited for so long! I bit my tongue so I wouldn't vent my book rage in the newbie section! I think lemoncakes are in order.

Dont forget what show you're watching. Last week, Euron admitted to killing Balon like kinslaying was no big thing.

What comes to my mind is that she, Daario, and Jorah left before the big reveal of the fleet being burned, so…..

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