
You're kind of sidestepping my point, though, which is the the narratives made by the showrunners have been questionable.

Yeah, you keep focusing on the actors, while I focus on the writers and showrunners.

There's two. Unless you think Tyrion is a Targ.


Actually, I did. And remembered how shitty it was while most jacked off over Hardhome.

Jonathan Pryce is pretty awesome.

What makes you say you're supposed to care about him?

Actually, the hilarity of Sansa being raped is that it's the only element of that storyline retained from the books. Apparently, a girl who is (supposedly) a Stark being raped is the only thing worth adapting - no Northern Lords, no politics, nothing. Except rape.

If we had abbreviation, I'd dig (which is why the Arya storyline, extraneous bits and pacing aside, mostly worked), but we're talking wholesale invention.

Fair enough, mea culpa.

Granted, you're okay with Tyrion threatening to rape Tommen, but you have an issue with FAegon?

Effective as the men. You call this iteration of the Sand Snakes effective villains? I mean, I guess, with the teleporting and all.

Actually, isn't it Varys that does that? Casually recount how he switched them out?

Well, the looming precedent, of course, is the Night's King, and we all know how well that went.

It's more consistency isnt a strong point of theirs.

The church was way less hate worthy, and almost Occupy ish in its aims. Now they just slotted homophobia so they can be justifiable villains for Poor Cersei, though the High Sparrow was all about that good old "woman's place" business.

Which is taken directly from the source material!

I think Dorne provides och counterpoint to the Western fantasy realm pastiches of the rest of the Seven Kingdoms with characters that subvert stereotypes, and while there is no Essosi pov, does a great deal to dispel Orientalism common in portraying "exotic" cultures. Quentyn is another example of Danaerys struggling

Well, you see, they didn't want to show Stannis being beheaded because that would be gratuitious, but everything else is just realism and shock.

The more ASoIaF got away from a standard fantasy, more people bitched about how bad they were and how worse they were getting.