Mina Bontempo

The beginning of that second season was surprisingly good in its middlebrow kind of way, in spite of lines about "spouting Hegel" that didn't make any sense but that fifth episode was STUPID. I know it's a tv series and writers have to come up with peripeteia but the behaviour of the characters is just too erratic,

Where did I say that it was because of their infidelity that they were despicable. They're lousy, lousily written characters.

I have a hard time not liking this character; like his voice and his sarcastic tone.
Let's blackmail the nitwit! Why not after all? (just in jest since it's a show).

Perfectly summed-up. That was so embarrassing. Plus: the guy is imitating someone who just killed himself.

That's a defect of the show; everyone is now assuming unreliability where probably there is none. To paraphrase Noah:"have some faith, people!"

They are both despicable, if one is to be honest.
Cole is the only character who comes across as a decent guy in the show (and Max, but he is too peripheral).

went to the bathroom at that moment. Heard some shouts. Am definitely in Max's position.

Ridiculous write-up, you still think Marty IS the bad guy!!!! I hurt for you, man. And cut the guy some slack, while I don't endorse his violence, I think the series was wrong in portraying him as something of a psycho as he isn't obviously. I mean, in one episode in particular, the preceding one, he is presented as a

I don't know why people say that. It's stupid, the guy has a wife.

This article is so mean-spirited and petty. I'm dismayed no.