
Israel is a country, not a religion. My country, the United States of America is supposed to believe that religion and country are seperate things. I resent that my taxes are being used to indiscriminately blow up little babies who are now starving because of Israel.

So basically “stop hitting yourself”?

All according to the plan — make Gaza uninhabitable, clear out the indigenous population, move in the settlers. Hamas forced the timetable up a bit but given Bibi’s well-known “help Hamas to help Israel” philosophy, why let a good crisis go to waste? 

“And this is Ari, my babysitter’s boyfriend, because my parents are never home, so these are my replacement parents.”

Louis C.K. and Ricky Gervais riffing on the n-word, and saying the actual word, while Chris Rock yucks it up next to a mercifully uncomfortable Jerry Seinfeld, has got to be one of the circles of hell.

The prisoners at Tuskegee is the funniest one. Even at this point, NO ONE in the entire right wing of American politics would know anything about that unless the moronic anti-vaxxers hadn’t dug it up as proof of...something (not racism, apparently!), and if it weren’t for the damned vaccines, they wouldn’t care about

She’s clearly very ill/not there and it’s astounding that she has a platform. Yes, I agree with her that it’s frustrating to see that Louis CK and Chappelle are keeping this up to acclaim - but her complaint isn’t that she thinks these men should be “canceled” for their behavior, just that she was.

What she said to

How could they line up to take these shots from this government knowing that this government gave smallpox-infested blankets to the First Nations people? Gave syphilis to Black prisoners in Tuskegee? Told us there was weapons of mass destruction before they leveled Iraq and destroyed Libya?

I think if the couple is married at the time of birth and no one is contesting the child’s parentage, then they are usually legally considered a parent and not a step parent (i.e. the automatically have the rights and responsibilities associated with being parents without adoption).

People with legal experience, please feel free to correct me, but step parents don’t have legal rights to children they haven’t adopted, correct? Yes, adoption is an extra barrier, but as a non-biological parent I would want to ensure my rights are absolutely certain.

That’s showing an correlative association with violent pornography. Not a causal one.

That seems like an unproven link there. Any studies that back it up?

For someone trolling people in the comments, you sure are pretty defensive. If it makes you feel better, I could have sent you a few of the scholarly articles I used from the paper I did on domestic violence/intimate partner rape/violence a decade ago. Instead, I offered you more “readable” sources because quite

This whole thing is so silly. The game is already rated for nudity, so why is this a deal at all? Am I missing something? Like who’s the person who bought Witcher being shocked that a naked person has genitals?

It’s no different than police beating a false confession out of someone. Hell, during the Satanic Panic, people were brainwashed into making confessions to crimes that never even happened!

I don’t believe “consented on tape” should be proof of anything in court without additional contextual evidence. Anyone scary enough to commit the crime in the first place is scary enough to intimidate their victim into fake “consenting” just to escape without further injury. Not saying that’s what happened here, but

Rape continues to be the only violent crime where the burden of proof is on the victim, regardless of where the crime occurs. It continues to be the least reported crime, and when reported has the lowest rate of arrest, prosecution and conviction.

The option is not to tell the football players to do this. Why would you need to tell women not to have sex with football players?

That’s such an unbelievably fucked up thing to tell men to do! Every person who is responsible for dispensing that advice should be fired. Also, if I ever take hostages, I know the judge I’m sending the videos to to convince everyone they are being treated well.

Hey this is America, if you want to keep your teeth, you have to have a separate, even shittier insurance that covers no actual dental work, and then pay out of pocket for anything other than a checkup.