
AHoD - the book in which there’s a man injured in an accident that everyone is greatful for, because he forced the town beauty to marry her with the threat of driving her mother into abject poverty... but this resulting brain injury stops him from raping her, so thank goodness for happy endings!

No one needs to make

As countries all over the world are constantly ‘discovering’ and being ‘shocked’ by claims of CSA in the RCC, this comes in the middle of one of the biggest investigations into this by the Australian government - a Royal Commission with the best and brightest of legal minds, significant power to effect nationwide

My grandmother, too.

And, amazingly, today police have reopened the Bowraville case because they've listened to Indigenous people!

Agreed. He made it clear here: “No firsthand experience” ...beyond articles read/films seen. He has not been exploited, but hearing about friends situations is not firsthand experience.

Enter the country? Hells, I wouldn’t even try crossing a state border with a dried apricot...

Dogs illegally smuggled into the country are not returned to owners. Even the ashes are safely disposed of.

Under the law?

Well, you SAID you knew a little about co-dependency and could recognise it, so try recognising it a little.

This honestly made me tear up a little. I didn’t know she was so talented - how could I, growing up in a country town in an place and time where the internet was so hard to get and so I had to trust what I saw on TV, which was held tightly by WWE?

I actually think she was at the PERFECT time. Think about it: It was the era of Xena. Amazonian women were stealing TV shows. She made her career highlights while shows like Buffy, Charmed and Sabrina were balancing ass-kicking women, fantasy of all shapes and forms, and of course, the high cheese mastered in 1990s

Aw man, this is gonna stay buried for ever, but it’s awesome fun and my Brother in Law wants to play, so here’s his story:

One of the funniest conversations I overhead between my mum and dad in their shared bathroom. A horrified: “What is this?” followed by “Oh god, it’s so long!” only that was my dad, and he wasn’t impressed.

It’s like all these excellent analogies we’ve heard a thousand times before about why blaming the victim is wrong get forgotten the moment there’s a new case with some different nuance and a new way to blame the victim:

The thing about this argument is that it is based on the fact that most school shootings are done by children.

There are some great articles here on Gawker that share the charges against R Kelly.

True about Anne being a jerk, but remember that was because Anne was so much more invested in their relationship than Diana ever was. Remember when Anne went to College grieving about leaving Diana and feeling miffed about Marilla’s coldness? And then Diana has an awesome day at the beach with her cousins, practically

Same here - reading speed, patterns, voracity, genres! Not 48 - like, 26 or something, but to add to (or rather, stress from) your advice:

I agree - both that there’s something else and this is a small sign, and that no-one should be patiently waiting to pour undivided attention on a spouse who has hitherto been absorbed by something else.

Also compared directly to this case here: