
best comment of the day(:

hm? why did he marry the first two times?

Does he have brothers? Just curious.

That actually, honestly, makes me sorry for men. The only thing you are appreciated for in society, due to your gender, is your income? Sure it's a silly gender role to begin with, and men should revolt against it, but then that's much much easier said than done. I'm usually all for men fighting their equality fights

..but but they have the girl. Seems to be the best smoke alarm ever

Also, they did not last long enough to change things profoundly

No, not only these specific brands. Even "classic" feminism would not have been possible if there wasn't a class of women who 1. had some amount of financial independence and 2. hence could dedicate themselves to more intellectual endeavours than just saving themselves and their kids from starving etc.

I was wondering if seeing his girls grow up has made him more sensitive towards sexism

You're very right, also about Danemark, but there is some divergence between the population and the government. Although swedish people were always very supportive of their government, it seems to me that this has changed quite a bit, also visible in the social democrats getting less seats and the right winged parties

I love Sweden for many things and am there regularly, but it's a really really racist country (ok, not as bad as Danemark..that's next level racism there)

The bigger problem I have is how prostitutes are treated in the game - as THE class as most objectifiable women - basically not women or humans anymore at all - but since they do not "protect" their sexuality, they can be treated like things. That's what's bothering me most, I would care way less about the violence if

I'm glad since it's clearly misogynistic - it's sexualized and glamorized violence against women, and that it doesn't affect us or at least does not reflect what our society thinks about women is BS

She comes across as too self confident for being shaped so much by her environment. I'd say it's to some extent what you describe and to some extent being as self confident as to allow yourself to be however you are without carrying too much about others opinion. Maybe being from a well established family with

Wow..her skin is incredible!

Maybe she is from this part of Serbia too, and know that the sexism there is specially bad?

yes, and I am sorry to say, again it's an east-european, and I am also sorry to repeat myself, but the sexism there is especially bad. Also, the three last cases of lethal domestic violence here in Switzerland were all women killed by men from the same region.

The most heartbreaking story I have heard in a while. So many people are silent bystanders, yet such a courageous person's life must end like this..

"Why must we be supportive of every dumb, hurtful, destructive or otherwise poorly thought-out thing that a woman wants to do in the name of this faux feminism?"

I agree, but isn't this the argumentation constantly used on this site? When women objectify themselves, it's somehow sold as empowerment ("she is ok with it"), same goes for topics as prostitution. I think this is just a good example that actions and attitudes are not just "good" or "empowering" simply because a

oh gaws the comments under the video...