
I mean I have seen only short movies and it looked so awful. It is like stables for cows or horses, have you seen pics? Often a group of men would drive in, gang-bang a prostitute and then drive away...how is this not objectifying humans to the very max? Also I have heard from the prostitutes that they have less

Oh lol. Really so far away from the truth, as I say in my other post, I live in Zurich and against what you see posted here, it is known that prices are falling and the women have to accept anything, i.e. also sex without protection. There was a around 2h long documentary last year about these problems. And the same

You guys are so dellusional when it comes to prostitution, really.

wtf seriously.."would you say that to a rape victim"? ... it's like you are just into picking up a fight without wanting to understand my point. I state clearly that it is a violation of privacy, and I never ever argued she should not make a fuss out of it, ever. This is entirely NOT my point. I am just referring to

Dont strawman me. Where did I say we should laugh it off? Of course it is a violation of her privacy and an awful thing. BUT it is a fact that it is way less interesting for hacker to hack a male account, since a guy does not have to hide his body from the views of others. So at the base of the whole incident is

Wait what, I agree with him! I think his point is that we women are always told that we have to cover our bodies, because if someones sees us naked, it is supposedly devaluating for us.

wow do you want to be my PR agent?

I must say I am really curious about the pics, but I'm just going to control myself and not going to search for them. Would expect the same behavior if that would happen to me..

Hi jezebel, sorry for spamming, but this:

I totally feel you. It upsets me so much when guys claim that women accuse men of rape just to "get them". If they knew how many women make such experiences as you did..

yeah you know what? I really wanted to go to the military (here in Switzerland, one might think a super safe country), my parents held me back. Luckily. Some time later a woman was gang raped in the military, a couple of months again the same happened again. And then this idiot MRAs always state things like "oh women

Wow is this guy single? Cause he is awesome

I disagree with you regarding your claim that we don't naturally empathize. I think we do. Or at least we do (or most of us do) have the natural capability of empathizing. Also I am doing my PhD in neuroscience and we do a lot of studies where subjects, if told of someone elses actions etc. put themselves into this

ok, this I can imagine, although it is a bit something else than harming another person and disrespecting another persons boundaries. I am very sorry though for you. Hope you healed <3

thanks actually. I guess I was thinking too much from my own perspective, but I guess what you describe might make sense...

It's not that fatal. One can only want to belong to people who are equalitarian.

Well I also grew up in a house where we did not explicitly discussed consent, and in fact it's a bit weird to me that one has to explicitly discuss consent: It seems to me intuitively clear that I expect people to consider my feelings etc. when acting in a context where their actions have consequences for me - and

why do people have to go "through a learning process" to understand that such behavior towards people (women) is not ok? I don't get it. It only requires a very very minimal amount of thinking and empathy.

I haven't ever heard anyone pointing out that they don't show enough emotions or the like, definitely at least not to the amount Stewart is constantly criticized.

Have you guys watched "into the wild"? She was EXCELLENT there. Also, I really love her self confident and independent attitude, and can't imagine a guy would be criticised for behaving too cool as she is...