He is going to need at least 27 additional layers of cheeto dust, if his thin skin is going to survive the first 12 months.
He is going to need at least 27 additional layers of cheeto dust, if his thin skin is going to survive the first 12 months.
Isn’t it because people like living in there own communities with people like them. It’s how you have little Cuba and little Haiti in Miami.
Yea to be fair, some of it is based on dripping lip pictures and that isn’t proprietary image in any way in my opinion. But Kylie actually posted one of her photos without credit and the internet assumed and ran with it as being a potential new Kylie product. She deleted it when she got called out.
Yes airports were shut down. But when everything was up and running again, there were no travel warnings. I know, because I traveled to and from NYC a lot in those months after.
I normally give the some benefit of the doubt when an artist copies another, mostly because I assume they have a team of people coming up with ideas and you’re always guaranteed to have someone who plagiarizes. But when you’ve retweeted that person’s posts before and even copied them before, it’s really hard to…
Why is Gigi apologizing? What was offensive about the joke? FFS.
Something bad is going to happen during Trump’s administration, more than one thing: a natural disaster, a mass shooting, a terrorist attack, a plane crash...
How does that explain the hundreds of Caucasian sympathizers that obviously have better lives in thier western home countries joining these animals in thier squalor in mosul and raqqa?
Seriously, a travel alert for an entire continent? Okay then.
Herr Trump just makes it easier for them, what with the proposed Muslim ban and all.
Thank you. I mean - a travel alert?! I think there wasn’t even a travel alert for NYC after 9/11.
History and statistics suggest we’ll have a mass shooting during the first 100 days of his tenure.
He knows more about ISIS than the generals, after all. He literally said it himself so it must be true.
“Please extend this to february 2020.”
History and statistics suggest we will have a mass shooting on our soil during his tenure and I can’t imagine him handling that.
Weren’t you paying attention during the campaign? Donald Trump’sgot big plans for ISIS. Big plans. He won’t tell anyone what these plans are. Not even the military. I think they’re a secret and for some reason he can’t tell anyone. But once he reveals this plan it’s bye bye ISIS.
ISIS is going to get exactly what it wants, because all these racist, xenophobic leaders like p-elect Drumpf are going to generalize and mistreat Muslims out of ignorant fear because of incidents like this.
I think it has to do with the fact that a lot of terrorists hitting France are home grown there. The majority of them aren’t immigrants or refugees or ISIS radicals who’ve somehow gotten into the country but rather second or even third generation French citizens.
France has a very large Muslim population. ISIS targets France not only because France opposes ISIS, but because ISIS is trying to turn Muslims worldwide into believing that western culture doesn’t accept them (which is becoming increasingly true) so as to turn them to ISIS or any other form of radical Islam. Herr…
My father in law was talking about this a lot this weekend after Trump went nuts over the minor Hamilton thing. He kept saying imagine we have some large terrifying event (terror attack, massive earthquake, etc.) and the nation needing to be “comforted” by that orange asshole.