He looks like Benedict Cumberbatch mated with a fruit bat.
He looks like Benedict Cumberbatch mated with a fruit bat.
My Dad was a wonderful man. He took my sister and I to breakfast every Saturday morning so Mom could sleep in. This happened every Saturday (I got cheeseburgers, sis chocolate chip pancakes) no matter how long he’d been on the road (selling hunks of steel - that z-shaped thing your bike pedal is on is a “forging”). He…
Liberals can’t even shoot straight.
Yeah, fuck these trauma victims. How dare they try to make sense of a terrible situation and avoid falling pray to survivors’ syndrome.
I was diagnosed with sleep apnea last year at 51. Having the sleep apparatus has me waking up chipper and clearheaded after eight hours in bed/7 hours of sleep vs 9 hours in bed/4 hours sleep. I have lost 11 pounds, my cholesterol is down to a healthy level. It’s been a game changer. If you have a loved one who snores…
She needs a psychiatrist and counseling. All day every day.
“A shaman named Colleen McCann”?
And for this guy, as a politician, to then go back and write a memo: ‘Oh, I felt threatened.’ He felt so threatened — but he didn’t do anything.”
Yeah. I am now both concerned for him and also for our country because his term doesn’t end until 2022
As much as I wanted to drink in how out of his mind he sounded, I am genuinely having a hard time laughing. That sounded like dementia. He conflated two separate investigations and kept mixing up names. It was really concerning.
My excuse for everything from now on:
My daughter was a breech baby, so I had a scheduled c-section (two and a half weeks ago!)
We need to organizate a committeement to study this.
I...believe him, actually. A lot of newly-sober people acquire hobbies to stay busy in the time they previously would have spent boozing/using.
I was a 28 weeker back in the 80s when babies that premature rarely survived and even more rarely survived without lifelong difficulties. My parents were told to expect the worst. I had some health issues as a kid, but today, I am the holder of two bachelors and a masters degree, work in a field I love, have travelled…
10 years and it still feels like yesterday.
Here’s a nice story about Amy Schumer, an emergency bathroom stop and a $2,000 good deed.
How lovely of him to be so frank and forthright. It takes a lot to say ‘I had some blind spots — or perceptual filters — and I needed help’. If one can ascertain this at a young age, how well it will serve him personally and politically. That there may be other ways of seeing and it takes nothing away from me to…
What Iggy does in that video is not twerking, it is the painful ass-shaking of an uncoordinated and slightly drunk white woman. They could’ve just filmed me pre-gaming in my bathroom on a Saturday night.
While I appreciate your concern, I make good English.