
Don’t be alone with him again. People (sometimes) tell you who they are. When a man says he wants to hurt you, injure you, and penetrate you against your will, he means he wants to hurt you, injure you, and penetrate you against your will. If he did assault you, his texts and the fact that you were too thrown to

That is the reason I hate ‘Love, Actually’. They made Rickman (whom I loved) cheat on mother fucking, Emma Thompson. And made her cry. Nope. Nope. Nope. Not cool.

Old man finally accepts award.

It’s true, but it’s also true that she said she stopped wearing makeup because of the unrealistic expectations for appearance that women face, so wearing makeup and pretending you aren’t wearing makeup is just as bad as photoshop and crazy contouring in terms of setting up unreasonable expectations for how women

Hannity must not be a George Carlin fan.

Totally going out on a limb here, but for some people the failure of a marriage or relationship (especially once kids are involved) can be felt like a personal failure. Clearly, Huma is a bright, successful, achiever. It’s possible that she has a personality type that sees failure as the ultimate let-down and going

I’m convinced that a large percentage of the population has poor listening comprehension.

“My spouse and mother gave me advice, but I don’t like it so I won’t do it”

Please don’t describe arranged marriages in that way, given that couples in many cultures still have them, including everyone in my family who is over the age of 50 and still married and quite happy. Thanks.

Unnecessary meanness. Thanks for your opinion, though.

That was a preety good pun.

there used to be no president for this sort of thing...

I agree it’s wrong what the spouses are doing. But if any of those women spoke out they’d be excommunicated immediately. And everyone in their cult would testify against them, so they’d probably lose custody of their kids as well. Which means the abuse would probably worsen and those mothers know that. It still

*steps up to microphone*

I have so much respect for women like Chrissy Teigen or Hayden Panettiere who have spoken out about postpartum depressions or any type of depression/mental disorder because they’re still kind of a taboo. 

I’m really surprised it hasn’t gotten it’s own post, honestly.

Also her essay on post-partum depression was really moving.

Under ... raps?


I’m going to agree, but also go with giving credit where credit is due. She objected and that’s like a bazillion times more than I expected from her in the first place.