
The only Black people inviting her to the cookout are the Black people we don’t even want at the cookout to begin with. Trust. They can take their ‘Actually, Rachel Dolezal has done more the the Black community than Black people’ selves and go sit on a cold cinder block eating dry potato salad.

I know Cecile Richards said some common sense shit that it’s a damn shame that we have to applaud because over 50% of white women voted for motherfucking Trump but here we are nice things. I know the urge is strong to do it but I’m telling you right now, black folks...

also I have to push back against the notion that its the “democratic party’s” responsibility to “field a candidate worth a shit to succeed him, isnt his fault. Any progress he made that has/will be rolled back is the fault of a democratic party more worried about policing peoples thoughts and behavior than with

Bravo...well said!

The second point to my critique is about results.

This isn’t about going far enough for me. He never challenged the roots of our government, national ideology or the systems of oppression that they are based on. Going far enough will never be a complaint for me. The man ran his campaign on him basically being the personification of American Exceptionalism, in effect