
We may have the same sister - mine is also anti-feminist and calls women “bitches” and “sluts” - and once ranted to me about how she hates the very concept of”fat-shaming” in that she’s tired of hearing about it because if you’re fat, why not just admit it and stop being so gross? This from a woman whose BFF is obese

I am hoping they unfriended the OP because they were deeply ashamed of their asshole views and wanted to spare the OP from having to unfriend them first. I can hope, right?

I would like to be your neighbour - those cupcakes and rolls look fantastic! I’m not an asshole, and I will bring wine!

You lasted a week longer at your coffee place job than I did at mine. I’d rather clean hotel rooms than serve coffee - and I cleaned hotel rooms for two years and know just how fucking disgusting that job is.

And it never smells good. Subway smells like warm, damp cheese and bread-scented air freshener.

And aren’t most hotel safes in the closet on a shelf that only an adult could reach - how would a baby “accidentally” get into it?

I think I figured out gifs - thanks for the help.

Not to mention the mantara of, “The customer is always right.” that has been drilled into manager’s and customer’s heads. Some customers feels they can act like total assholes and be “right”, and managers think they have to take the abuse because the customer is “right”.

And the things that happened to your food in the kitchen that you don’t know about. Probably nothing really bad happens in a good kitchen, but some of the kitchens I worked in....gross things happened to food in there.

I had one that chucked a snowboard at my head (he missed) because I was a day late shipping a pair of ice skates for an online order. I packed up my shit and quit as soon as he was done foaming at the mouth and screaming at me.

Very eloquently put. This needs more stars.

I think I would like to get drunk with you (and help write the BK Bible).

Better yet, get Ed Sheeran AND his tattoo as your tattoo.

This would have been perfect!

I have no idea - but I think being a dedicated hoverer had a lot to do with it. It was so gross for a couple of days every month in there, and the poor maintenance people who had to clean that up - no one gets paid enough to clean up a mess like that.

So, how many of the people supporting him are doing so for shits and giggles? I am a little worried this gasbag has a real shot because people are curious (in the same way they are about car accidents) to see what he’d do if he actually became president.

Are you guys hiring? I will totally move to wherever you live for that. It would be worth it.

Ditto for having your period - I used to work in an office where, once a month, one of the toilets would have a fucking river of period blood all over the seat and the bowl.

Or it smells like you wiped your butt with a bakery. Nothing like the scent of Freshly Baked Bread ‘n’ Shit early in the morning.

I love people who make lots of toilety noises - makes me feel less bad about my own! Stealth pooping is ideal, but it’s not always possible, so noisy people and hand-dryers are my friend.