
Yes. I sometimes wonder about the microscopic poo particles on people’s ceilings who don’t close the lids. Toilets spray that stuff pretty high when flushed.

Yes. All of this. I get that a parent might need to distract their jammy-handed demon-spawn, but for godssake, get a pair of over-ear hearphones. I did not come to listen to Dora the Explorer do her big-mouth bossy routine while I eat.

That’s OK at home, indoors, but on public transit? Jesus. I suppose the parents might find shrieking endearing, but the rest of the people being forced to listen to it, not so much. It’s one thing if they are crying because they’re tired and hungry - they haven’t learned yet to be quietly hangry/tired and boil with

I had to look this up too - I think I was happier not knowing.

This must be a hoax - the can isn’t see-through at all, and the company isn’t spouting any “no fat chicks” bullshit.

He’s beautiful! :D I love shepherds - best dogs ever!

My Grandmother is a bit of a snob - I think she sees anything not freshly cooked as an affront to good taste. Or she’s just nuts.

Freakin’ adorable (and she dances WAAAYYY better than I ever will)!

Thank you for writing this, Caitlin - and for standing up for yourself (and against appalling assholes like Ben Naparstek).

My Grandmother refuses to eat leftovers. She’ll buy something like a really nice and expensive cut of beef, cook it, eat a teeny tiny plate of it and chuck the rest out. I was horrified when I found this out.

I also cut mold away and eat the non-moldy parts (as long as the mold in question isn’t really, really bad - but a couple spots? Meh. That cheese is still OK).

My parents would still be in prison (I was born in ‘75). “Go play at the park (5 blocks away) and take your sister (who’s only 4) with you. Come back when it’s dinner time.”

This is pretty much what I thought. This isn’t outrage that the company lied and keeps personal information, this is, “I got caught cheating because data isn’t wiped out properly and now I’m miserable, so I’m taking all you fuckers (ha!) with me!”

I suspect the thought process is something like this:

Same thing, no? ;-)

“Happi” chairs from IKEA?

Why is there a tiny angry baby in your burrito? ;-)

I’m glad you and your brother are saying no to dogsitting!

I have to admit, I would refuse all dogsitting gigs if that dog had bitten my kid. And I wouldn’t sugarcoat it, either (I’m mean I guess). “Sorry, but we can’t have Fluffy here - he’s already bitten my daughter and we don’t trust him to behave and not hurt her again.”

That is horrifying to me. Barking is how they communicate - I can’t imagine taking that away, even a little. Surely some training would fix a really annoying barking issue (if they bark at everything ever and not just stuff like people coming to the door).