
Fuck squishy Becca, Kill Lyndsey, marry the florist.

Must be nice to be rich and do what you want with impunity. Keep up the good work American government!

How did that guys ass get so black and blue? I’m seriously confused here. And fuck...don’t go to prison in Alabama.

I would have married the florist.

We just keep getting worse. Well done America!

Do we really deserve this government? Are we that bad?

I have dark thoughts. “shrugging emoji”

It’s a nice thought but I hear Dick Cheney and George Bush et. al. go on really nice vacations. In other words: Punishment is a myth.

Whenever my local news reports a “murder/suicide” of some old couple in their small Midwest home I this how my wife and I are gonna go out too?

I mean if you’re gonna go out like least take some of the fuckers who put you in that place with you.

My advice? Yellowstone sucks. Don’t bother.

Yep. Watched Dark. Never heard of Suburra but it sounds like Gomorrah which was pretty great.

It’s interesting you mentioned this, my last onion soup was too sweet and it was because of the Vidalias. 

I always put the green things in for the last hour, because overcooking anything green can result in a sour taste.”

Wait until they find out they keep getting older and not younger.

Geez. That’s a deep cut. I didn’t need a reminder I saw this.

Great show! Can’t wait for season 2.

I know I’ve seen this but I’ve completely forgotten it.

The usual “christian” response to this is something along the lines of “love the sinner. Hate the sin” unless it’s a dirty Kenyan president then it’s along the lines of “that’s how ‘they’ are.” The cognitive dissonance is mind-boggling. 

Never forget that after Scott Walker moved to Milwaukee (a city he decimated with shitty policies and used to scare his dumb hillbilly constituents “Milwaukee has the blacks and they will kill you!”) someone welcomed him to the city with this message in the snow outside the apartment a Republican donor lets him stay