Yep. Watched Dark. Never heard of Suburra but it sounds like Gomorrah which was pretty great.
Yep. Watched Dark. Never heard of Suburra but it sounds like Gomorrah which was pretty great.
It’s interesting you mentioned this, my last onion soup was too sweet and it was because of the Vidalias.
“I always put the green things in for the last hour, because overcooking anything green can result in a sour taste.”
Wait until they find out they keep getting older and not younger.
Geez. That’s a deep cut. I didn’t need a reminder I saw this.
Great show! Can’t wait for season 2.
I know I’ve seen this but I’ve completely forgotten it.
The usual “christian” response to this is something along the lines of “love the sinner. Hate the sin” unless it’s a dirty Kenyan president then it’s along the lines of “that’s how ‘they’ are.” The cognitive dissonance is mind-boggling.
Never forget that after Scott Walker moved to Milwaukee (a city he decimated with shitty policies and used to scare his dumb hillbilly constituents “Milwaukee has the blacks and they will kill you!”) someone welcomed him to the city with this message in the snow outside the apartment a Republican donor lets him stay…
It’s a little light (even tho it deals with a psycopathic abortion doctor) but Pine and the gorgeous girl (India Eisley) make it worth watching.
Well, it’s right in the sign “facials.” That’s just smart advertising.
This is all fine but Spike took some pretty huge liberties with Blackkklansman too.
Malcolm X or Do the Right Thing comes way above Blackkklansman. It was just “OK” to me. The first and last scenes were the best but were just added to hammer the viewer over the head that...get this...racism still exists.
Oh shit. I forgot about Tyrannosaur. That was the first movie where I was like the lady from “Peep Show” is in this? Great flick.
Well, that’s a good way to not get elected and fire up the Trumpies. “Democrats- we love shooting ourselves in the foot.”
Fake news.
I’ve got a guy on my block with a big Trump flag flying in front of his house. Every time I get drunk I try not to go out there and slice it to ribbons.
Sorry...not sorry for this ear-worm:
You know I don’t remember voting for any of these clowns who have the power to control my life. Whattacountry!
I had a boss like that. Spoiler alert: It made me work less and worse.