
I’m not kvetching about alternate realities. I’m pointing out that the same story can have wildly different reporting. I come to Splinter for the snark just as I’m sure a person of a different political persuasion might go to the Daily Caller.

Eh...I’ll watch it. Had a huge crush on Janine Turner until she went wacko Jesus Conservative. 

I love This Week Tonight and I definitely lean left but I cannot stand Maher’s show. I think it’s still on HBO right? I think I tried to watch it a couple of months ago and couldn’t get past his smug, flat monologue. 

Do you think he prefers twinks or bears? Either way someone’s got to get that on tape.

Well that didn’t take long.

Remember when Bush was the worst fucking president ever? Good times.

My mom is cross-eyed. You fucking monster!

Here here! I was living in NYC the entire time this schmuck was in office watching my state valiantly try to recall him. Whenever I’d come back to visit I’d stay with my sister near Walker’s house in Wauwatosa where there was a perpetually parked cop car idling to keep the riff-raff away.

Totes agree! These two are a fucking blight on the party. Get some new fucking blood in there.

FoxConn was already breaking its promises before the election. What a fucking shitty deal for southeastern Wisconsin. 

Moved back two years ago to a Wisconsin I didn’t recognize under Walker. Very glad I got a chance to vote this microwaved potato face out yesterday.

I hear ya! Gotta have the green bean casserole as well. 

That’s just it. Slide it in there and watch people gravitate towards a non-potato dish. 

I used to make a version of this from scratch: Cornmeal, shucked corn off the cob--the usual bullshit. Last year I discovered this recipe and I’m never going back.

Scott Walker would like a word.

Trump was playing “Rocking in the Free World” by Neil Young inside a plane hangar in Mosinee, WI when he came to the state last week. I can’t imagine Neil would approve.

I gave up on Candle Cove. Missed the next one. Loved Butcher’s Block and will definitely check this one out.