
As the dubious honor of owning the FIRST Daewoo Lanos sold in Texas, I can attest to the complete and total fucking, steaming pile of shit they were.

Actually, people did want them and they were pretty all around over here.

Now wait a cotton pickin’ minute-you got the Daewoo all wrong. Its the strongest car out there. How so? Get this...

$720. You could buy it, never change the oil, never wash it (gas station squeegy baths excepted), try and kill it, rally it through snow, have a ball, and buy another when it dies after five astonishing years. That’s my buddy’s car philosophy, anyway.

To be honest, I sort of like the look of the hatchback:

Unless you want to run somebody over with it, then you can quote Pineapple Express!

38 people would say otherwise.

Hell, I’d buy one just because my dad used to sell them back when they were a thing.

At that price, you can almost certainly sell enough of the interior to get into LeMons territory.

Danny McBride farts in your general direction.

Actually, Daewoo Lanos was very popular car in Poland when they were sold as new. :D It was cheap, well equipped, and quite reliable

Rally all the things!!!!!!!!!

Should be named the LAMO S

It did get it’s 15 minutes of fame though to create a great punchline:

Worth at least $10 to be able to say “You just got run over by a Daewoo Lanos motherfucker!”

See, for that price range, if I had the spare dosh laying about, I’d spend a weekend with a sawzall turning that into a dune buggy, performance art or something which would inevitably have “DAEWOOOOOOOOO!” painted on the side...

Well played. The missing wheel cover is a nice touch.

Chris Evans collects a seven figure salary paid for by the British public, and will continue to do so even if he gets canned from Top Gear. I don’t think he really needs anyone’s sympathy.

they really should have not aired the reliant robin bit. THE most boring ‘challenge’ in tg history. Basically here are two cars, one broke and was towed to the finish line, back to the studio.

Weird, I don’t see a crowd of people nearby. They all must be under the Mustang.

It’s an 8" booger decal that you stick to your left front quarter panel.