
Great course. I got to drive the old course (that stone bridge... can't even imagine how many accidents there were back in the day) with some friends and got a chance to do some parade laps on the new track as well. What a great town.

Its 2wd cousin? I think most of these rusted away and I caught this one at CVS several months back..

I was just getting over the strong want for one of these, now the want is back.... Thank you.

They've all been eaten by termites.

That's the ugliest Audi I've ever seen.

Call me weird but I always thought these were cool.

Reminder: The blogger that keeps writing these posts and calling people asshats rolled a Bug on a public road.

All great, but I especially like the cigars idea!

I was into W-body's as a teenager first getting into cars and I love these engines. They sound like ass at anything higher than idle, but they're so bulletproof that it's hard to say anything bad about them. Not only are they solid, but they're relatively easy to work on as well. They were a great engine to learn on.


Not just swapping in the 3800sc into the fiero but also putting a larger SC on top that would pump in 16psi without having to modify the engine.

I know I did. :)

My mother drives an '04 Monte with the L67. She still loves that thing. And for a mid-2000s GM product, it's been damn solid since day one.

There's no replacement for displacement.

rotaries by now...

Leasing is like donating to the general buying poor, and a large donation sum at that. You're paying the first 3 or 4 years of the car, when depreciation is at its deepest. The car is then sold for almost half of its original cost. The dealer makes money on it, TWICE. The second owner also benefits significantly.

500 HP for Chinese drivers? What could possibly go wrong?

It's smoking already.