
IMHO, the number one name in Continental Drifting will always be Alfred Wegener.

I think this is the right path for something as completely new as the Tweel (forgetting that it's been in development for a decade). Commercial users will put far more stress on the design and find problems quicker. Plus until you can customize the rims (low-pro Tweel!), I doubt the passenger market will be interested.

The big surprise here is that Leno wasn't wearing double-denim.

It's a dusting.


This should have been the Explorer.

Counterpoint: Ads like this are necessary. I would love to see ads like this in the US during major sporting events. Too many people don't take this subject seriously enough.

It made Naval battles obsolete. We didn't need humongous warships anymore. We can toss anchor a safe distance away and do all our fighting from afar.

The aircraft carrier. Before World War 2 every major power was busy one-upping each others battleships in one of the costliest arms races to date. Overnight, the aircraft carrier turned each and every one of those battleships into a colossal waste of money.

I would vote the aircraft carrier. It changed the face of not only naval battles but land and air battles as well. Now you could move a massive strike force to anywhere you wanted without having to create air bases or secure any land holdings. Look at our current airstrikes in mid east supported by carrier based

Such an interesting swap, yet it looks like any other ghetto donked out Charger 'awn reeums'.

I never understand people who remove their seat belts even though they are staying seated for the whole flight. What is the point? It's not a 4-point harness, it's just a basic seat belt. There are no advantages of removing a seat belt while you are seated at all.

Light them on fire.

Whoa whoa whoa... debadging improves the look of pretty much everything from cars to shirts to refrigerators. LET THE DEBATE BEGIN.

I guess it's a good thing that EVITA SUX wasn't available?

Mostly appearance and memory. The C4, to me, defined American performance for years. That wedge shape, long hood, pop up headlights, digital dash, just everything about it strikes the right chord. I think the C5, while a leap dynamically, wasn't a leap stylistically. It looks like a C4 that was softened. I've spent

did I win?