
No they will not get asylum, most are actually turned down. Or i missed the whole point and you are mocking people who think it is simple, i am going to go with second one seeing as you mentioned border.

Sexuality is largely, perhaps even wholly, cultural. Kenya does not have homosexuality in it’s culture therefore there are far fewer gay people there. It’s worth remembering this. Other countries, such as Afghanistan, have many more gay people than anywhere in the west.

The international community should just stop giving bigoted African nations aid money. If they want to continue acting like assholes, fine. That doesn’t mean they should be rewarded for it.

The nature of International Politics. The morning’s charming dance footage followed by this. Did this conversation follow the photo op?

Another timely reminder that even with today’s concerning trends throughout some states’ legislature regarding the rights of immigrants, women, and gays, I am lucky to be an American.

I like how African leaders often accuse calls for LGBT tolerance as “Western influence” interfering in African affairs, while simultaneously believing homosexuality a sin because of their deeply held Catholic values.

I especially love the fact that he passed a law that authorized himself to murder absolutely any U.S. citizen he considers a “threat” ! Keep dancin’ and distractin’ the people, Barry!

How do you feel about NDAA and sovereign immunity?

I agree, he has done wonderful things and I don’t regret voting for either election; however, I despise his drone policy and believe he should be fighting harder to close gitmo.

I like him okay. I was excited when he won (both times) and like some of what he has done. Some things are unforgivable though. He continues to be ok with the government illegally spying on us. He orders drone strikes to assassinate people who are not proven to have done anything, including a U.S. citizen. And he has

It’s because he’s black. Just say it.

Some surprising information i’ve found out, but the US has the least amount of gun violence of any country with a Latino population, and the least amount of gun violence of any country with a significant African population. It does make me think about what it says about white people that they want to be like all of

I bet the trainwreck killer thought the same thing about Kim Kardashian,

It sucks that this idiot shot up a movie theatre, but it’s unlikely he was specifically targeting women. He was firing randomly and men were hit too, it just so happened that the ones who died. It’s worth noting also, that Mayci Breaux was a pro life activist.

I love me some Bernie, but that was terrible and you’re right. Any politician from the left should be able to respond to these concerns and being called out better than that, otherwise I question how good you are at your job. Props to the organizers of that action though they got some serious attention, well done!

Bernie Sanders needs more help from people of color. His response to the Black Lives Matter was akin to how Jon Stewart reacted to being checked by Wyatt Cenac. Being a liberal doesn’t mean you’ve covered all the bases, homey. Progressives should be constantly checking themselves. Bernie will ignore POC and their

Exactly, that pretty much means that they’re going to start sketching it tomorrow, and 4 years down the line they’ll be telling us it’s still 18 months behind schedule as a rough estimate.

4 years is sooner than Gawker will become a reputable outlet, so there’s that.

Elon Musk has now reached Maximum Pandering to Nerds Speed.