men who are good at video games are more likely to participate in blackmail plots against c suite execs
men who are good at video games are more likely to participate in blackmail plots against c suite execs
Can’t help but notice that ALL the comments about that shit-Gawker post were flat out DELETED over on the Unwed Mothers story a bit further down the page. I’M SURE IT WAS ONLY BECAUSE THEY WERE UNRELATED, YUP, THAT’S THE REASON.
You realize it’s possible to be strongly anti-Gamergate and also strongly against Gawker outing a private citizen for fun and profit, right? Especially since said private citizen works for a Gawker competitor, and said outing aids and abets the work of a felony blackmailer?
The comparison is that Natasha herself thinks both are equal in their journalistic value.
Yeah, this isn’t just GGers. It’s the whole goddam internet.
“outing a philaderer” is a hell of a euphemism for collaborating with a blackmailing grifter to destroy someone’s life for no reason but clicks. The obvious hypocrisy is that Gawker now feels an ethical obligation to protect the identities of the victims and not publish stolen nude videos, a policy it apparently…
You’re a fucking joke, Natasha.
Redacting names to protect people during potential investigations and legal litigation that there is no confirmation of here...
So you’ll protect and aide one criminal in blackmail, but not the peeper creeper?
Kindly go fuck yourself Natasha. You are as much of a shit stain as the asshole you are writing about.
You all should help with the blackmail.
He should have filmed the executives of Gawker’s competitors.
This is Good job.
Honey, that’s not how comedy works. If someone has to tell you it’s funny and not racist, the odds are it’s not funny at all. What are you going to do? Force a bunch of minorities to pretend like they find a bunch of white people laughing at their expense is OK and Funny?
It’s all owned by the same white man. Her salary is paid for by the same clicks Jordan gets.
Exactly. We’re all about slamming down money for Lena Durham’s untouched pictures.
So you’re saying it’s okay to be racist as long as you’re acting under the guise of a comedian?
Hey Clover, just a reminder that you are complicit in helping to blackmail someone, outing him, and ruining his family. As long as you work for Gawker you are morally repugnant scum.