
Charlie Kirk, a.k.a. Max Faceroom

Sorta makes sense when you think about it, though. The type of person getting flu shots annually is also going to tend to be the type of person who does preventative medicine, rather than just seeing a doctor when they are sick to cure the symptoms. So along with their annual flu shots, they probably get prostate

This kid needs the ass-whooping his parents never gave him.

“If anywhere my client is represented as anti-vaccine that will be taken very seriously. This is a pro-freedom movement, not ‘anti-vax.’”

Charlie Kirk’s face looks like it belongs on a value-priced male blow-up doll.

Charlie Kirk

They are required, but most places still have pretty sloppy loopholes for “religious reasons,” which means just about anybody can make a claim that they’ve been super-secret Christian Scientists all along and ergo little Jennnipher and Chaddwhiccck won’t be getting the MMR. On the positive front, there have also been

because somehow, the 50's and 60's when those other vaccines were invented seem like enlightened times compared to the current Trumpian shitstorm

The “natural wellness movement", evangelicalism, and Trump.

It’s because Kirk and the rest of his demon ilk are without a doubt fully vaccinated and have been for months. It’s as cynical and evil as it is totally predictable. Sure the rubes will die, but not before they send out some of those sweet campaign/PAC donations!

They probably got vaccinated on the D/L. 

C’mon Chuck, use what God and being the product of a thimble-sized gene pool gave you and tell ‘em the vaccine caused your freakish, ginormous head.

Said everyone in 1918. 

Because when you build a system where a college student is working under the threat of thousands of dollars of student loan debt hanging over their head for years (dooming them to struggle to ever own the roof over their head) and they have to balance scraping up the pocket change to either afford their next box of

That’s because there’s a good chance they’re already vaccinated. Notice how his spokesperson weasels around the question: “this is pro-freedom, not anti-vaccine.” The (marginally) smarter ones are finally realizing that it’s a bad idea to turn your own audience into a death cult, but bozos like Kirk still haven’t got

That’s because people like him, Carlson, hannity, they're all vaccinated, and require anyone around them to be vaccinated and tested. This is just more of the ivory tower bullshit the rubes love to hear. At least we can all rest assured this guy isn't convincing anyone of anything. If they aren't getting vaccinated,

Wait, why aren't the youths getting flu vaccines? 

Yikes. That’s quite a face he has slapped on him. 

Anyone who won’t voluntarily get vaccinated should be thrown in a jail cell, strapped to a table, and forcibly vaccinated. If we really want to eradicate this disease, we need to start cracking down on good ol’ American freedumbs. Endangering other people is not a right and never has been.

I certainly hope someone’s going after him after his hand in helping jan 6th happen. Fuck charlie kirk