
I’m sorry you’re struggling. Finding a therapist can be a challenge, but I think it’s helpful going into therapy if you have some outcomes and expectations in mind. For example, what would you like to accomplish with therapy, what would keep you coming back, what would prevent you from coming back, etc. Knowing those

Thanks for taking the time, I appreciate it. I’m mostly struggling with how to figure out what “feels right” means (well, that and the whole idea of paying someone who probably doesn’t wanna hear it but the paycheck’s good listen to me unload my problems/issues/feelings just is a really hard hump for me to get over).

Do it, fuck what people think, don’t let that prevent you from getting some help for your own happiness/peace of mind. Don’t tell your IRL people if you don’t want to but don’t let their bullshit hamper your life. That’s advice from personal experience of finally getting to a hard point and “breaking down” finding a

Who has advice on finding a therapist later in life (age 50+) when everything inside you is saying you should just suck it up and deal? I don’t want to ask my IRL friends because I don’t want them to know I’m even considering this, honestly (which I recognize is probably also problematic, so yeah).

I’m old enough that I remember when Ontario wines were like really bad vinegar. They have come a long way.

When’s the appropriate time to make it Instagram official with whoever you’re seeing?

This could be true, but there’s really no accounting for taste ;-) (also, Southern Ontario isn’t exactly the French Riviera or anything. . .).

I don’t think people living in kansas(kansians? kansasians? kansanites? kansanamaroos?) want to wake up in kansas.

Thanks for this.

I’m heading to Niagara—Beamsville Bench in particular, and anything beyond is a bonus—because it’s closer and I’m not quite up to a run to the County until maybe next year (fingers crossed).

Are you going to the Niagara region, or Prince Edward County? I have friends in “The County”, and to needle them, I always take Niagara wines, so they can say “I spit on your Niagara region wine!”

Assad’s Pyrrhic VictorySomething to read on Syria if you’re inclined to do such a thing is Leila Al Shami’s latest:

Something to read on Syria if you’re inclined to do such a thing is Leila Al Shami’s latest: Assad’s Pyrrhic Victory.

Yeah, but I don’t wanna wake up in Kansas either.

Yep, it should be good—if careful (and to be clear, August in Southern Ontario isn’t like August in California or Italy—we’ll pick a reasonable day so we don’t scorch.  The wine is more expensive at the baseline, but it still makes me happy).

A road trip? To wine country? In August?! What an absolute delight, I’m so pleased for you.

There’s no place like home *click click*

Thank you--and glad that you’re safe.  I don’t know how much I’m worried about the storm and how much I’m just under the influence of the year of everything being shit, but I half expect to wake up in Oz ;-).

What a run, well done you both.

Well, I’ve been with my husband for thirty years as of next weekend, but we’ve never been on Instagram—so, thirty-one years?