“Why don’t women want to have sex with me??!?!”
“Why don’t women want to have sex with me??!?!”
Seriously. Evil but also so. fucking. pathetic.
Just another day in America.
Great graphic is great
Great, thank you. I guess back when I tried to otc brands, it was always a 3- or 7-day dose of medicine, so I’ll check out the one-dose options. I have tried boric acid, it’s one of the ingredients in Yeast Remedy, a natural supplement. It works sometimes, but it’s like, it just makes it slightly better and then it…
Kinja bungled my post and took some words from the middle and threw it at the top so it makes no sense ugh. So I was trying to say, Cranberry did nothing for me, but cranberry d/mannose is a game changer! Drink one packet after sex or if you feel a UTI coming on, and it goes away :))))
So much to keep track of! Waaaay too much paperwork and to-do lists. This housing market is so nuts; you’re lucky you were able to find something that quickly!
I usually drink unsweetened cranberry juice concentrate (available at health food stores) diluted in tons of water if I feel one coming on.
Woo hoo, congratulations to you, too!! Yes, it’s so stressful! So many details to keep track of.
Congratulations!! We just signed a contract to sell ours. This shit is stressful!
Nothing to contribute but sending a hug. The monistat extra strength gel you shoot up your cooch works for me but the burn is UNREAL. I was on the floor in the fetal position for hours. Good luck!!
If you recall my house hunt post last week: Our offer on the first house we liked wasn’t accepted, but we found another we liked a couple days later and they accepted our offer on Wednesday! We will be closing by the end of the month! Thanks all for wishing us luck last week! I almost can’t believe we found a house…
Have you tried the one dose over the counter yeast infection medicine? That always clear it up quickly for me. The other over the counter stuff does nothing
Funnily enough Exeter Cathedral, amongst many different carvings celebrating various colonial activities (mostly of the killing the native population kind), contains this large marble sculpture to commemorate John Simcoe, the first Governor of Ontario and founder of both the cities of London and York (AKA Toronto)…
Yes! A cold shower helps me snap out of anxiety/panic attacks. I’ve even poured bottles of cold water over my head if I wasn’t at home.
I’m interested in this too! The last year or so, every time I’m about to get my period, I get one. I eat a ton of yogurt, which doesn’t seem to help.
A LOT OF PEOPLE DO. I live for the sun but this isn’t uncommon. In fact, I think Dorothy Hamill (I think it was she?) stated that the cold arena in ice skating helped her depression. And a friend of mine (briefly!) plunges her head into ice water for anxiety. Apparently, it is an approved treatment.
Part of it, I think, is that we’re also kind of colonized by the US—so yeah, we’re an ex-colony founded on the fur trade and the exploitation of Indigenous people, but we’re also the spunky little northern neighbour trying to not be overwhelmed by the US.
Does anyone have any good remedies for yeast infections? I used to get UTIs and yeast infections ALL. THE. TIME. and then I found out about cranberry/d-mannose supplements (about 25 years too late) and haven’t had a UTI since (drink one packet if you feel a UTI coming on, or after sex if that’s what brings them on for…