
I hope you had a nice Canada day, even if it had to be a muted version. We’ve already got people here setting fireworks that are definitely not legal here

rewatching schitts creek right now actually. I’m just in a cruddy mood and it’s taking longer than usual to pull myself out, quite possibly because dinner was pizza that... like, i guess the delivery guy held vertically under his arm like you’d hold a book? And.... peach tea as a default iced tea (And sorry, peach tea

She’s doing great, as you can see. Visited her this morning. Real sweetie pie.

I’m sorry too for the shitty week, big time. And I second tonight’s advice—find something silly and cheesy and fun (self-help doesn’t work for me, but cozy sitcoms do. Schitt’s Creek is reliably lovable and doesn’t make me angry. The key is to find something with enough seasons to engross you, and with a kind of

No I’m not and I wouldn’t know how to go about getting them without being suspect of drug seeking behavior. A lot of my depression has to do with body issues, dysphoria, and just not fitting in like capability-wise

That’s an amazing breakthrough with Dennis. Good for you (and for him).

Are you on antidepressants? I avoided them for years, and I know they’re not for everyone, but they have been a life saver for me in the last year. 

Congratulations! That’s a huge achievement!

I’m just tired, my mom is overbearing, therapy feels like it’s not going anywhere, I have a laundry list of stuff to do and the depression just keeps dragging me down.

I will just be glad when I no longer have to see headlines about this anymore. I have way too vivid an imagination for this kind of shit. 


I’m sorry you’re having such a bad week. Sending you ((( i n t e r n e t h u g s )))

Shelter Catstravaganza!

Congratulations Seabassy!! I’m struggling to stay away from weed right now. I used to depend on it for stress, and dammit I’m stressed.

Congrats on six months

Really trying to not drink tonight.

We put our house on the market a few weeks ago, and within 6 days we accepted an offer. Now we’re just praying that the appraisal goes well and we can get out of town before fall hits.

Hey Jezzies! June 30th marked six full months of non-drinking for me. It’s been much less of a struggle as time goes on, but then a series of unfortunate events will happen that humble me and show me how much of a journey this still is. Take today, for example. I decided to take a solo hike to get some fresh air and

Scheisse und rutschen!

Interesting how this topic came up given how shitty a week it’s been.