
Ugh.  When I see GEET I can only think YEET, as in “Yeet him into the sun.”

For what it’s worth “build your own Twitter” is like a Ruby on Rails 101 project. We did it in class in like 3 weeks. Then you could take an app developer course. Any kid who is bored and can code can do this, but everyone is on Twitter so why bother. As this is so biased, this app is no different than Gab, MeWe, and

If the content on it is already that toxic an apparently unmoderated, how long before App Store (which one?) takes it off?

Now he can say how his company wasn’t just indicted, but it’s totally unfair that it was.

I wish Twitter would sue these dipshits for trademark infringement (I think they’d have a decent case) unless they agreed to change the name to GUTTER.  I mean, it’s right there, how could they not have chosen that?

There is no real answer to this question, but, where is the threshold for what constitutes “microblogging”? 700 words is sort of a lot — doesn’t feel quite “micro” (I wonder if this would be the defense in the event they were sued by Twitter.)

I’m surprised any of these dorks even got as far a twitter rip off. The amount of money and infrastructure you need to create a social media site now is just prohibitive.  

What is it with idiot right-wingers and not knowing the difference between having bias, and being biasED. In the grand scheme of right-wing fuckery it’s pretty low-level, but it drives me batty.


Hey, they misspelled GUTTER.

To be fair, the first Unrestricted Bioweapon album is a jam, so I’m glad they’re getting some extra attention and coverage.

There is something interesting though, I think, in looking at the sheer difficulties of launching a new social media network today. Obviously, these alt-right chuds aren’t going to make a success of just launching social networks designed to be toxic sewer pits (as a selling point, no less), but even Google couldn’t

UPDATE: Apparently 45 wasn’t involved with this after all:

You know, reproducing a slur uncensored even when quoting another person is not acceptable either. You could have just said that the fake J.K. Rowling account used a trans slur repeatedly, without using the slur yourself, or linking to a screenshot of the slur reproduced in its full glory.

As it turns out, if you sign up for GETTR using the same username that you have on Twitter, you “may be able to import copies of your content” over to the new platform.

All I see is GETTO…and somehow it is quite apropos…

the silence was nice while it lasted. back to that ol’ deeper level of hell.


LOL, “App Store description.” Countdown to deplatforming in 3, 2, 1…