
It’s pretty unlikely, but they kinda could come get you. You might be very surprised by the amount of leeway that Canada provides to U.S. law enforcement. I have a former brother-in-law who’s an IRS agent (they carry guns! Can you even imagine if the CRA carried guns?). His team frequently crossed the border (with

I think we should start trolling the appropriate agencies by calling them the "Statue Police" whenever possible.  

You’ve jogged my memory a bit and I do seem to recall that it came across as for “people who wanted to get married, now”, which could also be another reason as to why my free weekend yielded no results because I definitely had zero interest in being married (until, that is, I met my wife) as a result of having

You are 100% correct in that no sandwich is good if the bread is bad. I traveled in/with bands for many years and even though I can’t remember the exact locations, I can definitely remember some of the horrible sandwich experiences that we had. Somewhere in Massachusetts we once had “submarine sandwiches” which were

Since you're the one telling the story, I'm 100% positive that you're the one that's right. However, if this exact same conversation happened in my house, I would be convinced that it was just another example of my wife being mean to me. My wife has a million issues. I love her far too much, but she's very mean &

Since you specified “unusual” celebrity crush, I’m going to have to go with Lizzo. She’s definitely forced me to reconsider some of the “standards” of physical beauty that were imposed on me in my youth. 

Is eharmony religiously oriented? It's been years since I paid much attention to any of this, but I thought that eharmony was pitched as the one that was super serious about finding the perfect match for you by having you answer a million different questions.  I think that I finally gave in and took advantage of a

Just make sure that you don't have any physical contact with them for at least the next 30 days. 

I’ve always wondered which stretch of which ocean you’re at whenever you’ve posted photos at the beach. I never would have guessed that it’s the Jersey Shore! I grew up in Bucks County, Pennsylvania, so I automatically vote for tubing the Delaware. Fortunately, you can get a “pretty good” cheesesteak almost anywhere

Professor Griff knows: "Yo, I ain't milquetoast."

Nope. He needs her to remain on the bench as an incentive for republicans to vote him into a second term. If he's able to replace her now then there's even less reason for some people to vote for him in November.  

Really? When I watch her on the game show all I can see is how much she enjoys being mean to people and/or hurting them. 

Slightly unrelated, but #dogs4biden is a fun way to kill some time on Twitter.  There's also some good cats there. I'm unsure as to whether #cats4biden has started trending yet. 

If you've ever watched her game show ("Ellen's Game of Games", I think), it quickly becomes apparent how much she truly enjoys being mean to people and hurting them. It shines right through. You can't miss it.  

Joan, a lot of people seem confused by your posts about both Ben & Brooke. I love them. Keep them coming. 

No matter what their motivations are for doing this and no matter how much money they might (or might not) have in their bank accounts, I'm not going to attack someone for setting up a college fund. 

It's all about branding for people like that. There are a startling number of Americans who hate "Obamacare" but who love the ACA. Obviously a term like "socialized medicine" would never fly for them, so it can become "American Patriot Care" or whatever.  Just let me know if they're willing to give up all of their

You’d see all the outrage in the world if it was a database of gun owners.  

Who's Stu Sutcliffe? 

“But I didn't violate any ethnics.  I was actually supporting the ethnics. Huh? E-T-H-I-C-S? That is not how we architect ethnics in this administration.  Daddy, make it stop!"