
Race relations are much more important than women’s soccer. In fact, just about everything you can think of is more important than women’s soccer.

I don’t feel that “housecleaning” and the like should be categorized as maintenence. And everything else can easily be done without hiring them out. The costs are definitely more than on a rental, but they can be limited. Appliance replacement, roofing, plumbing, etc....not as much. But if they are including property

The only thing that really bugs me about this is the fact I had to find out about it on Lifehacker. No notice from LastPass. No email suggesting me to change my PW. No prompts on the browser plugins, etc. I use 2FA, so not so worried, but still I’d want to know ASAP from the source, and I’m not monitoring their blog

I live in a coastal area of Los Angeles. I’m from here. I lived in San Diego for a while. Let’s make a deal - you don’t tell me when it is appropriate to wear sandals and I won’t make fun of you when you wear floral printed boardshorts over boxers to the beach.

I wish they had used the original NES Ice Hockey instead...

I’m not sure what you’re referring to with Google Music, but I don’t think this is what that’s for. It’s not about playing unnecessary music videos when you just want to listen to music. But, for example, if you were watching a TV show in VLC and got a message you wanted to reply to, you could switch apps without

They’re running the train as if they simply looked at Google Maps and drew as close to a straight line as they could, instead of using existing transportation corridors (i.e. along I-5 or 99). Subsequently, the path plows through existing infrastructure (and some historic sites in Fresno) without any real plan for

A DIY ceiling fan? One that you make yourself?

Note: For anyone else as confused as I was, if you have an ad blocking program, you won’t see the options. You have to disable it.

All of those lamps are priced incredibly high.

All of those lamps are priced incredibly high.

That Southern California one should read " Southern California Confederation of Craft Brewers That Make Nothing But Extra Hoppy IPA ". And that's why my monthly budget for whiskey has grown so large.

If you buy something that says "BPA-free" on it, there's a pretty good chance the manufacturer just swapped out BPS for BPA.

What's Williams to do in that situation given that he didn't know McCoy would run out of the pocket right past him?

I was super psyched about this until I saw the prices. Target's diapers are great and cheaper. Amazon's are 20% less if you subscribe, but they're still more than the non-subscription price for Target's (which also offers a discount if you subscribe).

Two Thoughts:

If it is ANYTHING like the Domino's pizza tracker, I'd be interested but amazed at how people learn to game the system... Also, and I know I'm paranoid, but if you're tracking them, are they tracking you tracking them?

Vote: Droid Turbo