Isn’t the whole point that everyone asks him something?
When it comes to lawn mowers, the only “season” that really matters is the summer. So when someone says replace a spark plug every season, what they are really telling you is once per year (not “a few times a year”). Even that is probably overkill.
Brockport was down 2 points. Game went into OT. What’s your point again?
Judging from your spelling/grammar, you're a proud graduate of the U.
Ooph. At the :50 mark, Miami’s #22. That’s...against the rules, I believe.
Ok, so that means you have three?
Here is the Texas version of the same play
Yes but former members started a new site called StreamHub.
Uhhhh, wasn’t Wiziwig shut down?
That’s what Calculator is for.
Seems like a good time to mention things like “Kohl’s Cash.” This is where you often do double mental accounting. Spend $50, get $10 Kohl’s Cash but you only planned to spend $40. Oh, that makes this extra $10 purchase a good deal since it’s basically free. Then, when you spend the bonus cash you spend more money than…
The Wisconsin State Senate—the same legislative body imposing draconian cuts to the state’s University System out of ‘necessity’—had no problem coming up with a quarter of a billion dollars for this boondoggle. As a Wisconsinite, this kind of thing makes me livid. But even if you didn’t grow up here, you should still…
There’s, appallingly, nothing illegal or even actionable here; uncomfortably close ties between businessmen and politicians is S.O.P., even (especially) when it comes to doling out taxpayer cash for the great stadium scam.
Wow, so if you push yourself and continually try to improve, your body will adapt and grow stronger? HOLY CRAP THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING!
A lion doesn’t concern himself with the opinions of a sheep. Time to attack the day.
Orrrrr the state could use that $250 million dollars to reinstate the $250 million they just cut from the University of Wisconsin. You know, the one that cost UW Milwaukee 200-300 middle class jobs. Madison lost around 400 middle class jobs. What’s that? You’re a bigger fan of basketball than you are of education?…
Race relations are much more important than women’s soccer. In fact, just about everything you can think of is more important than women’s soccer.