
This is one area of my life that I still GREATLY prefer tactile buttons instead of touchscreens. Never giving up my Harmony One!

Looks like someone burnt the bacon. What is wrong with you wasting good bacon. I'll continue to either pan fry or bake my bacon without rinsing. Why on earth would you want to rinse bacon. I'd rather have delicious shriveled bacon than long, flat mediocre bacon.

If we were doing Upworthy style headlines it would've read: "A Blogger Thought He Knew All of the Windows Tools, But What He Found Might Shock You." Honestly I disagree that this headline is click-baiting at all, but at least you're being respectful about your criticism.

So you are admittedly not an expert, but you are saying that the first case was caused "presumably from the vaccine", and in the second you are applying causality. Those are your mistakes. They are two stories, where someone died soon after getting a flu shot. You know why? Because millions of people get those shots

I know a guy who had a heart attack after a huge bowel movement. So folks, don't get vaccinated... and don't have bowel movements.

IIRC, you can also buy a month of Pandora One with the time you spend watching ads.

Almost all my mouse movements come from the fingers. There may be a very slight azimuth change in the wrist for extreme movements across the screen.

For rendering an i7 is what you'd want. Has hyperthreading (basically the computer thinks it has twice as many cores as it really does) my laptop does this. So when I open up task manager it has 8 CPU monitors instead of just four. This is great for rendering.

That's not so. I use my android devices to control my laptop and I only enter my password when I install the app. I think there is a remember my password check box . I know for sure you have the option to control pc using password inside the app. I use this a few times a week .


Just as long as no one buys snapchat for the love of all that is holy.

All this hype about the price tag focuses on Google, but no body is looking at what Nest is REALLY about. First, one important thing you missed about Nest is it's customer base. Who are the people that buys a $220 thermostat? Home owners with disposable income. And this is a big plus. Facebook may have 50 million

Picture quality made me think I was watching Atari basketball.

I don't mean to crush the kid's dreams (yes I do), but it should be noted that (a) The show was waived off and (b) This was before the halftime buzzer, not the end of the game.

If it was a straight bar would you have mentioned that as well?

If you are financially responsible then using a debit card is just pure folly as you have less protection and nothing to gain. Period. Credit cards offer complete protection - simply call and the charge is removed while they investigate and you've lost nothing. And you earn cash, miles, rewards, whatever with every

Playoff games where the forecasted high temp is -5F are a tough sell.

Negative degree weather?