
If you're buying any mass produced American beer, the keg/can "quality" difference is pretty meaningless. Most people couldn't even correctly identify Bud, Miller, and Coors if you gave them all 3 in a taste test.

Answering my own question...It's a judgement call as to whether he "struck at" the ball. In this case, he didn't. The position of the bat isn't relevant, so yes, it's a ball.

The bat crosses in front of his body as the ball is thrown. What's the definition of a swing?

Why isn't that considered a swing and a strike?

Is 4.27 second "acceleration" the time to get to max speed? "seconds" isn't a unit of acceleration.

Isn't mistake just another word for error. They're basically saying a "mental error" isn't classified as a scoring error. Why not? By any common sense logic, any play that should end in at least 1 out but doesn't should be classified as an error. Whether it was a physical or mental error shouldn't really matter.

While I do agree with you, that type of play should always be called an error. Your throw to 1B example doesn't apply. In that case, someone does touch the ball and it would be scored as a throwing error.

All I see in the picture are various levels of doneness. Both Skillet samples were overcooked and shrunk the most. The oven control sample looks cooked slightly more than the oven rinsed which makes it a little smaller. Assuming both oven samples were in for the same length of time, rinsing just slows down the cooking

It's also integrated into a lot more things. My receiver and car being 2 specific places that interface with Pandora directly but not other services.

I like the Pandora One subscription option since I have Prime/Netflix to watch movies. Now if I could just pay for the Netflix subscription through Hitbliss, I'd be set.

Dropsync will do 1 folder for free if that's all you need. 2 or more and Titanium Media Sync is cheaper than Dropsync pro.

I was looking forward to this just to see what kind of website they would make and keep alive but not update for 20 years...

It says 100% leather but doesn't specify if it's full grain or not. I would guess not at that price.

$25 "genuine leather" belts usually start to fall apart in less than a year. A full grain leather belt will last many times longer than that.

Yep, an i7 is what you want. Then it depends on how much you want to spend. The 4770 is about $260. The 4930K will get you an extra 2 cores (4 threads) for $540. Make sure the socket matches the motherboard you get, the 2 processors I mentioned have different sockets.

The motherboards and power supply are beyond overkill for a "cheap" computer.

So pinching the outsides keeps stuff in? Who would have thought that...? I can't wait for the "How to hold a balloon so the air doesn't come out" post.

They may not have a temperature readout but they at least have some sort of low/med/high settings that is still a thermostat.

It's a pretty standard cord that a lot of people interested in this kind of machine would have multiple laying around to use.