
note: the comments saying "I'll check it out" and "really useful" also appear to be from the spammers...

please don't.

Getting pretty good at the semi related but not really and mostly spammy promotional comments...

It will on some. They've already announced the HTC First that will ship with it.

I would guess Google doesn't want to give Facebook so much control of the phone. Facebook may get it on Motorola phones through the Play Store, but I doubt it will ever be on one by default.

"My school has never been a heavy favorite,"

Does the Win8 task manager open painfully slow for anyone else?

A name to go with each picture would be nice.

Sony, here's a full front view of it:

If a better job comes along right away, take it. Don't feel like you have to stay loyal to that company because they gave you your first (or 2nd or 3rd, etc.) job. If it comes down to it, the company will have no problem laying you off with little to no notice.

This could easily be done with a hand saw and drill. It would just take longer.

So is Gawker doing anything to clean up all the spam comments?

A shot has to hit the rim to reset the shot clock. Wouldn't it have to do the same in this case?

My mini mansion is already paid for thank you. I made $9485 with a pyramid scheme so your $9482 is useless to me. Why isn't there a button to report spam?


They removed those apps quite a while ago.

Redundant title?

Those mistakes are Giz's way of showing they didn't just copy/paste. The source article does not have those mistakes.

"resources" as in processing power, memory, etc. are a lot cheaper than they were 11 years ago. Why not take advantage of it? Would you rather they make an OS that will still run on a Pentium 1 processor but have a lot less features?