This was so freaking good. Another commenter mentioned criticism of sexism, but I didn’t get that vibe at all. It was creepy and funny and amazing.
This was so freaking good. Another commenter mentioned criticism of sexism, but I didn’t get that vibe at all. It was creepy and funny and amazing.
At this point Ivanka could probably bolster her brand by breaking with her dad so I’m going to assume she basically believes/agrees with most of the things he does.
I guess the funny part for me was how spot on the impersonation was (seriously she nailed 3 impressions all at the same time) but the obsession for attention and power is very very real and scary.
I don’t see any sexism at all. If Steve Bannon can be portrayed as the literal manifestation of death why can’t Kellyanne Conway be portrayed as the weird sociopath that she is?
This is SNL’s opportunity to shine, and it is rising to the occasion. It’s redeeming itself for years of meh. What we are witnessing is the intersection of performing one’s civic duty and performing comedy.
It was so dark but I agree - hilarious. Maybe an unexpected tone from SNL but that’s what I liked about it. I think what I said about it not trying to be funny is where the joke lies for me. It’s probably quite close to the truth and we should be scared but let’s also laugh at those fuckers because that’s what hurts…
To be honest, Jeff Sessions looks like an evil, racist elf in real life.
Me too. It really brought a visual to how tacky this all is.
That really pushed the border between funny and scary. Holy crap. A good example of how horror and humor are different sides of the same coin.
I have actually been watching the whole episode the last few weeks, which I haven’t done in many years. This cast and these stars, it’s like the old days. I love it.
She makes a perfect Bannon.
That’s not death that’s Steve Bannon:
That part was amazing. This is the most relevant SNL has ever been.
This was the best thing by far for me! That little croak in her voice, the little affirmative chin twitches... mwah!
Holy shit that was amazing.
I thought it was hilarious. There is no reason we should hold back on Kellyanne Conway and the controversy over this one is weird.
Rosie should play Trump. Doesn’t matter if she’d be good at it, you now that would get under his skin.
I know right! Fuck that guy’s family and their grief!
Good riddance.