Marc Alice

It's a ploy to sell more books. Like when Bucky was black. They really should come up with new heroes, or simply revisit old heroes that have been forgotten about. I had an interesting experience watching Captain America 2. More than half the crowd was black and there were a few single black men in the audience and a

You know, I was going to give Marvel a pat on the back for this decision, but you're 100% right. DC did the same thing when they made Alan Scott gay and made the "first Muslim super hero" a really offensively-designed Green Lantern. If you want a gay superhero, make a new superhero that just happens to be gay. If you

While I agree with the overall point you're making, I just wanted to mention something worth considering.

Sometimes they are just stories, comic books do these sorts of stunts basically like clockwork. That doesn't negate any of your points, but it's certainly worth considering the nature of this medium.

I think I'd rather have more solo Falcon comics, give him a chance to break off more, because I'm still more interested in Sam Wilson as the Falcon, as opposed to Sam Wilson as Captain America

I don't exactly agree, but I'm recommending for the benefit of discussion.


You can back right off the US Agent hate. I freaking love US Agent. Well, actually just the costume, which admittedly, was originally Cap's when he went rogue.

This is all I can summon at the moment.

This is definitely going to save Detroit.

"But put up against the machinery of Major League Baseball, clearly out to make an example of A-Rod and cover its own legally questionable ass, he's downright heroic. "

Budget cuts are really hurting NASA. Looks like it has gone to the dogs.

"This ruling excludes the possibility that being in a supportive and meaningful relationship could help the individual to grow beyond his current limitations, your honor!"

I would really like to see the people behind SIMPLE.