
The high density foam barriers and tire walls were everywhere that anyone could reasonably expect a high speed impact. This was a very unpredictable sequence of events that sent Grosjean heading into the ARMCO at that speed and angle at that location of the track. It’s very likely that no car will ever hit that

AMEN! I will not buy a car with an auto I don’t care how good they’ve gotten. This probably means I’ll be driving my 05 Legacy GT wagon until I die ( not really a problem for me I really love this car)

Greetings my LGT wagon brother. Periodically I realize that my car is 15 years old and I should get something new, but what? Almost every interesting car lacks a manual transmission, I’d kinda like a boxster but living in New England makes that a questionable choice for Winter.

What he said

Also a Seb fan. I think he needs a year out of F1 to get his head clear and then see if he wants to try a return. Seb ever since Germany 2018 just isn’t the same.

I wouldn’t be surprised if part of his deal with Renault is that he skips Monaco so that he can run Indy

Sigh, CP

Just like crude oil, you’d have to pay me to take it off your hands.

But then we would miss out on the blessed jewels dropping from the mouth of our dear Il Duce Stupido.

Bland, boring bullshit. Also fuck the name change. What a stupid name for a clothing line or a racing team.

Wait, Boris Johnson wrote this article??

Hey now! This is the US of fuggin A, we ain’t havin no well thought out and clearly communicated arguments in here.

I still have my 05 LGT wagon with sweet turbo goodness and row your own. Every time I think I’m going to buy a new car I come to my senses and realize I already own the best car

I still have my 05 wagon with sweet turbo goodness and row your own. Every time I think I’m going to buy a new car I come to my senses and realize I already own the best car

Oh, I forgot. Fuck jalopnik for putting me in the grays even though I’ve been around since most of the writers were in diapers.

Hey harley, why dontcha suck on my saggy hangin balls?

Here’s mine. Same color, not stock.

SHHHHHHH!!! (But, yeah, what he said)

Didn’t have to google it and it’s “GIUBO” not guibo. Instead of the guibos in Brooklyn hangin out on the corner, think “Kinky Friedman and the Texas Giubos”

tldr: “tRUMP won, get over it”