
Oh boy. Checking all these discussions about education systems it reminds me of when I took “modern conflict” class in the United States (I was an international student from Mexico).

They do. Unlike common misconception, they are not double the size of 2k textures, but four times.
And 8K textures are 16 times larger that 2k, and so forth. You know what to expect from COD:Warzone at 8k.

hi :3

Metroid Zero Mission is where it is at. That one is good.

Americans can’t read and comprehend at appropriate speeds, even if their lives depended on it.

What’s not to like?

This is what makes “Fallout 3: The Pitt” DLC so great. The decisions are morally grey. I’d say no more, that’s a DLC you must experience firsthand.

Yup, I understand. I guess it was more in the lieu of supporting those who are condemning their upper management actions at Activision/Blizzard.

There is not much we can do as outsiders but to support them.

I’d be nice that the community gathered signatures too, to show support to the affected victims.
I mean, it could do nothing or it could show Activision Blizzard a clear disgust from their customers.

Well people, not anymore.

I would choose random against you anytime bae. Variety is the spice of life.
XOXO, OXXO and variants 💋

Damm. What horrible kind of people you are. 

My close friends and I have mains, but when we play we ostracize each other if we do not chose random, because otherwise playing becomes boring.


It seems like Kang and the multiverses are in a time loop. Otherwise, why would Kang know all the moves from the Lokis up to a certain point? And why would there be a horizon where Kang no longer knows what’s going to happen.

It goes like this: Ravonna Renslayer is looking free will, by that it means, THE ONLY PERSON

Yeah, I play with randoms too, but not as often.
4 player matches are a recipe for lag; issues on 1v1 are rare, usually I do not rematch a player if they give me lag issues.

Really? You know that I live in the México banana republic; I play with my friends twice a week (We are far from being pros, but there are a few Elite rankers in the group) and a guy livestreams those matches.

I would think the first world would have even less issues.

We rarely play FFA, tho, we play 1v1 with

I wonder why people complain so much about Smash’s online. I have not ever had any issue with it? (Internet, 100 Mbps down, 50 Mbps up).

I mean, I hardly ever have lag (regardless of playing wired or wireless). Input lag is hardly noticeable.

They emptied their pockets, because, y´know, it’s pocket change for them.

Death and taxes, huh?

I mean, they figure out the evasion by checking numbers, but... How do they start investigating a company for tax evasion? Anonymous tips?
How do you figure out money is the bosses’ safe?