
I probably would...

After 300 hours? Geez it took a long time to bore you.

You seem like an interesting man, and you got my attention on Sugar Daddy Sites...

And LAN, don’t forget about LAN, 4 per TV

So intense I can only express my feels in spanish.

lol, hi dude.

Thank you. I wish we had the Double Dash system.

Ooooh Ok. I have never followed that order...

Which is armor upgrade order?

RIP this game :(

Hi dude.

Just like any countries´ issues, they cant be summarized in a Kinja post.

People are nice, but there are so many ugly and mediocre customs why we can´t evolve as a country.

It looks like Trackmania now.

It could be a nice way to boost banjo and make Rare make a competing game to Yoka Laylee

Ain’t trolling, i like saying hi. I have not seen you in over 3 years.

Hi again.

Hi dude.

It’s ok buddy, we can have different opinions and there is no point on discussing on the internet.

Who also happens to be super buff; have you seen her videos doing rear pull downs? Insane back.