
They could use Rami Malek. He’s cast to play (and sing!) as Freddie Mercury. Also he is charming as fuck, and if he showed up outside my window on a flying carpet I would run away with him in a heartbeat.

Samuel L as the Genie would be fucking awesome.

You just *know* that the studio really wants a white guy. And that all this “we can’t find a guy after 2000 auditions” is just cover for when they announce that Aladdin will be played by Hugh Jackman.

The reason why they can pay $1000/hour in court proceedings is because legal language is such a specialized and delicate topic that requires an exceptional level of expertise, far beyond most others. In most countries is heavily regulated and you need a license to do it.

In five words:


dating in New York as a 30-something executive in private equity

Also, for some strange reason, an adaptation of a Canadian Novel by a Canadian Author filmed in Toronto is not available in Canada.

150 years since confederation and 204 years since we burned down the white house! \o/

In my (nostalgic and biased) opinion, Sailor Moon also has an incredible OST. All lot of the music is memorable and catchy, even the songs from the movies!

It’s a mature reading of the situation that relies on nuance to make its point.

Trudeau is a refreshing change from our previous Prime Minister Harper in many, many ways, but he is a politician, first and foremost. What that means is that regardless of his personal or stated positions on anything, he has to make concessions to certain political realities.

I think it’s safe to say that my country is a little perturbed at the moment with Trudeau because he seems to be backsliding on some of the “promises” he made when elected. However, he is still immensely popular, has a very decent outlook and yes, I still have faith that he will work towards doing the right things.

I’m Canadian (Montreal). From my perspective, he’s more centre than left. I think he’s good, but he could be better.

I also always kind of rolled my eyes at this. Not because it was queer-coding (I’m all for representation) but because it didn’t come from a place of genuine identification but rather, “Hehe, them two unconventional girls MUST be lesbian!”

Patty also had a crush on Pig Pen!:

This is my favourite look at the dynamic between Peppermint Patty and Marcie. A strip from 1972, early in their relationship. (They’d met at summer camp the year before, and then didn’t see each other for a year.)

Unless they don't have the internet, yes, they probably know.