3 Pink Socks

I’ve done Murph a couple times (no vest), and I think my best time ever was around 55 minutes. For comparison, I can run a mile in 5:30, two miles at 13:00 without feeling particularly winded, rock climb regularly at V4s pushing to V5s, and oh yeah, I played in the fucking NFL.

No one cares about college rowing but like Donald Trump Jr., I rowed in college. (He was on the team at Penn for 1 year.) The standard by which rowers are judged is 2000 meters on the Concept 2 ergometer. The slowest guy on our team went 6:48. He was 5'10", 171lbs and iron deficient. Still, that score is butt. Donald

Fuck this guy. Who starts chants for themselves?

Price is Right Games Ranked?

And Politico reports that the simpletons who voted for the justice obstructing lying racist ignoramus will be hit the hardest. Vote Repub--slit your own throat.

Just watch the last minute or so when Stephen A Smith actually somehow makes a good point. He simply notes that he’s watched Eric Bolling before, and he’s seen him report on certain leaders with whom he did not agree, and asked Bolling if he thinks that he was still accurate in his reporting and analysis.

You can

I want to know what unholy deal Stephen A made with Satan that gets him on TV but leaves him always at a table with someone even shittier than he is.

Are you really all that surprised that a school founded on a tobacco fortune would try to practice slavery?

I guess they couldn’t run out on to the fields with the white hoods on for safety reasons?

“Here is some extremely white shit” could also be said of every lacrosse game ever played.

As I said when the suicide was first reported, Hernandez died doing what he loved... murdering people.

What!? After a free government ride for four years at a military university you have to serve 2 years in the ACTUAL military??? If you don’t want to serve, go to one of the hundred plus other schools.

I cant get over these precious snow flake conservatives who cant bear to look at most media for fear of injuring their delicate ideology. It really first all started with the Dan Rather fiasco because as we all know, wealthy, connected young chaps couldnt possibly ever conveniently avoid military service.

This liberal bias is exactly why I canceled my subscription to Deadspin. I just read all the words in the articles and comment sometimes.

This man is a genius.

Interesting new tact for NFL players: Suspend yourself before Goodell can

Wow, this guy just can’t stop killing people. 

I dunno some of the celebrating penalties certainly seem like a Black and White issue

He's a senior. Not finishing the season has ended his college career. I don't think that's overly dramatic at all.